An absolute god of the essence an irl comic relief who makes dreams comes true. Should be everyone's favorite being.
"Oh I love Toni Jebbings so much, he's a real galoop"
by Toni Jebbings August 17, 2022
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Jeb Miller is the baddest mofo around his parts don't fuck with lips
by Lips94 April 22, 2017
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When one of your muscles has a uncontrolable twitch which is making you make involuntary movements.
by Zeldababe September 5, 2017
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Leaving early, not waiting for anybody, leaving your friends behind
If you drink another beer i will be doing a jeb
by Mangetamarde April 27, 2024
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A fat ass Ginger with an ice spice Afro that sits around all day and eats while getting no exercise. Jeb jebbis loves his bobart so much that he wants to stick his pp inside its tight asshole until the Jeb jebbis starts releasing his special sauce into the bobart so it starts to screech for help until Jeb jebbis start to slowly rub the bobart until it stops
by Johnson’s Johnson August 27, 2023
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