The brony community is at large the strongest internet collaboration. It is mostly called gay due to the fact that grown men watch MLP. The brony community mostly make art, songs and cons to pass time for new episodes. An example For a music artist is: BronyDanceParty.
A good example of the Brony community at work:
by Undercovernick July 4, 2013
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Someone who dislikes bronies.
Some are those who are pathetic whiners,
And then there are those who don't like ponies being spammed In every corner of the internet. Bronies say you must watch the terrible show before you judge them. But no, apparently, you have to watch the show AND like it
Anti-Brony (the sane kind) I don't like the show
Brony: but that's impossible! This show is god's gift to humanity! The internet deserves more ponies1!!eleven1111
Anti-brony:I watched it, I didn't like it.
by Opinionated Truth Teller November 29, 2013
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An Anti-Brony is person which is disgusted by the fact of adult men watching the kids television show My little Pony. These people includes everyone with a brain.
Why are you an Anti Brony?
Because I find the thought of adult men getting obsessed by ponies is disgusting.
by Putin163Tenstabarn December 18, 2015
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A Temper tantrum or hissy-fit thrown by a Brony, over a vareity of issues ranging from not being taken seriously, being compared to furries or furverts, being called a faggot, sissy, or otherwise compared to homosexuals. The tantrum can range from animated shouting and occasionally can devolve into violence.
Dan objected to Bronies being compared to Furries, and his indignant shouting of expletives turned into full blown Brony-Rage, as he initiated a comical girly slap-fight against his opponent.
by Psycho_at_weirdcrap July 26, 2012
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When that guy with long hair at your box who always goes heavy sports a man-bun!
Who's dat thick girl lifting heavy?
That's Kanishk with the Brony-Tail!
by BodyOfWork May 21, 2018
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An Anti Brony is a person who hates bronies. To rebut that they're "...who hate the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic..", as a brony stated, the definition is clearly "Anti Brony", not "Anti MLP".

There are many, but overall only one reason why bronies are hated; Their huge pride and endless bragging.

Anti bronies hate bronies because of their small sense of empathy. They can never agree with anything that an Anti Brony says, even if it's true.

Another, more common reason would be the massive load MLP:FiM related stuff in the internet, and how bronies have an obsession to shove it into people's faces.

(Example: Here's a real, translated comment sent by a brony on
"There's a typo in the news: It's written BRONY not broyny or at least my shirt at the moment says Brony.. "
(Rational stuff about the article)

"And finally: Haters gonna hate.

PS. You stole my desktop wallpaper for the news pic...")

Even if you're watching a Garry's mod video, a Team Fortress 2 gameplay/music video, it's not unusual for a pony to pop up on the screen, without a warning.
So what's the big deal? See the "Example" section.

Bronies also like to put the fault of their own community's disadvantages on others, or solve it by separating any people giving them a bad name, by giving them nicknames, such as "cloppers", or simply by blaming it on furries.

I'm gonna talk personally now. I am a furry, and I would NEVER add a furry into any video of mine.
Anti Brony states:
"Seeing a pony is like seeing an arrow to the knee joke."

Maybe you'll understand now. If not, try checking the links to other definitions.
by Talvy August 30, 2012
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Someone who dedicates their internet life to hating fans of the Hub television show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic."
These "anti-bronies" tend to try and put bronies/pegasisters down by using the most overused insults that the Internet had to offer, and also making false claims that are not backed up by evidence.

Basically, they are just another Internet troll group that shouldn't be taken seriously.

Brony: Oh look, another dumbass.
Brony: You say that over the Internet, but you don't have the balls to say it in real life.
by FrozenHammer July 1, 2014
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