When you put way too much hot water in your oatmeal
Damn I put way too much water in this oatmeal now it’s just breakfast soup!
by Smartalecbaldwin February 7, 2020
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In order to avoid the awkwardness of having to use a new girlfriend/boyfriend's bathroom after spending the night, one will fervently offer to run out and get breakfast. The point of which is to use the bathroom at Starbucks, McDonald's, etc.
"Hey hun, do you want me to go out and get us some breakfast?" breakfast emergency, please say yes!

"No, that's okay. I'm not very hungry."

"Are you sure? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." oh shit! please say yes, please say yes

"No, I'm sure."

"But, if you don't eat you won't have any energy today."
Listen woman, you do not want me here in 5 minutes!!


"Alright, I'll be back in a few." Thank you Jesus!!
by Roland1999 February 28, 2011
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The wine on your nightstand that is leftover from the night before.
That breakfast wine was so good.
by Nick02807 March 6, 2016
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What do you think it is you dirty minded human being?
It’s a breakfast made with Portuguese people
Jake: “is there anything to eat here”
Samuel: “well, the locals here sell their friends as breakfast, they call it a Porutuguese Breakfast
by Captain_Dizzy_Starz (im onYT) October 20, 2021
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The best of both the breakfast world and the burger world "only at Carl's Jr "
I went to Carl's Jr and got a breakfast burger
by The word mister77x August 2, 2022
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A person of British origination/ethnicity

Derogatory term for British/United Kingdom people.
"I did a DNA test and it said I was 93% Breakfast Bean!
by Messy97 September 29, 2023
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A meal at the beginning of the day consisting mainly of unwanted oral sex, boiled beans, and rummaging.

**Some cultures follow up with a half bottle of mouthwash or a few cap fulls of isopropyl alcohol.
Old Junkyard Bob was surprised when he awoke to Slippery Sam serving him a hobo's breakfast on Christmas morning.
by do0tz December 2, 2017
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