Formula Fanboy is a game developer on Game Jolt who is well known for creating the universe itself as he is also God. Formula Fanboy has been part of several scandals involving human trafficking, and it's widely believed that he pays people to try and deter these rumours - despite the fact that they have been proven true multiple times.
I wish I could go to coffee with you, Betty, but Formula Fanboy kidnapped my entire family and sold my mom.
by LigmaLigma May 13, 2021
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An electric motorsport championship which first raced in 2014. Formula E features 22 drivers, some of which have had seats in Formula One. A Formula E race is called an ePrix, a term which is a combination of electric and Grand Prix.

Formula E often sees criticism from people in the world of motorsport, usually due to the speed not being on par with Formula One or simply for the sound of the electric motors.
"Next week, Formula E will be racing in London"
by SueDoughNimBecauseWhy November 8, 2021
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Formula racing.

Formula racing series involve Open-Wheel single seater cars, and there are many series around the world.
Formula 2 and formula 3 are known as "Feeder Formulae"
There are two types of Formula series, Open formula where you can have different chassis, engines, etc, and Control/"spec" formula, where everyone must use the same chassis and engine supplier. There are exceptions, for example, Formula Ford where there can be different chassis but the engine has to be the same supplier brand.
There are and were many formula championships, and i'm gonna list a lot of them.
Formula 1: the main series worldwide. considered one of the best racing series in the world. started in 1950.
Formula E: electric version of formula 1. started in 2014.
Formula 2/3: feeder series to Formula 1, started in 2017 and 19
Formula Regional: official regional formula championships
Formula 4: intended for junior drivers. no official championship
Indycar: formula 1 of north america, it's the highest level of competition in the US
Indy Lights: formula 2 of north america, it's a feeder series for Indycar.
Super Formula: formula 1 of japan, also a feeder series for formula 2 and formula 1 (partially)
Super Formula Lights: basically indy lights but japan. official feeder series
Formula Ford/Renault/Vee: unofficial feeder series to Formula 4. important step for many Formula 1 drivers.
W series: Feeder series to help women get into Formula 2 and Formula 1.
Person 1: I'm finally gonna be a racing driver!
Person 2: Which series are you racing in?
Person 1: Formula 3!
by CocotheLoco1 November 8, 2022
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Only escape from this cruel world
The reason I am single

(You are verry lucky when you are in a relationship where you both watch formula 1)
“Hi what are you doing today?”
“I’m gonna watch formula 1
“Let me guess your single?”
by Smooth operatorrrrr November 10, 2019
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When someone posts a formula you do not understand but want to sound smart.
Dude on Twitter: The Pythagorean Theorem states that a^2 + b^2 = c^2, where a is one side of the right triangle, "^" denotes an exponent, equal to two, "+" denotes a sum which happens between two or more terms in an equation, b is the other side of a triangle, which per definition has three sides, "=" denotes equality, and c denotes the hypotenuse, i.e., the side of the triangle whose length is the largest of the three, squared.

Smart guy: So much in that excellent formula
by Florean July 18, 2024
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One guy wrote a formula for finding the area of a triangle that can be applied if you know the length of the sides, and knowing the semi-perimeter (half the value of the perimeter).
The formula is : √s(s - a)(s - b)(s - c)
guy : help me I don't know the height of the triangle to find the area.
smart guy : use the heron's formula
guy : imma search it up
guy : thx i got answer as 42cm^2
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Adjusting one's bollocks to a more comfortable position from one's pocket. Also known as playing "Pocket billiards."
by hazatrand September 6, 2022
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