the correct definition is someone with cerebral palsy, my definition is someone who acts stupid in the moment.
person 1: *drops pen*
person 2: “hahaha you’re spastic
person 1: “no you’re spastic”
by soton menace November 22, 2021
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A completely retarded cretin who has dropped below the point of being human. They have no reason left to exist but continue doing so to ruin the lives of others around them.
These spastics often use derogatory language and racial comments to defer the attention of them being a spastic.
Ben is the most spasticated person that can possibly exist.
by Acquiescere June 9, 2023
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An idiotic person normally called demi who like to be idiots and use roasts from tiktok
Hey did you know demi is dumb

by Lemoncloud May 30, 2022
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Adj. Characterizing someone as spazzy and wacky and out of control
Lindsey was spastic like Anna from Frozen.
by Swagmufffins July 20, 2018
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A derogatory term used to describe a complete moron/idiot.
Who decided to promote that spastic Russell? He can barely string a sentence together
by Lydia12312 July 14, 2022
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