New Jersey Sauna-n. The after effect of taking an enormous dump in the toilet while someone is showering (doing it during prevents the SOB from flushing that shit torpedo). Turn off the bathroom ventilation and close the any windows. The dooky monster in the toilet is not flushed, rather, it is left so the steam from showering brings out the fullness of said thumper dumper and maximizing its aromatic properties. The steam and poo makes something reminiscent of a sauna in New Jersey.

*Note: for best results New Jersey Sauna should be done on a hot humid August night. Or after the consumption of any gut busting, anus destroying foods.
Suppose youre over at a friends for the night and you want to have a laugh, why not give them a New Jersey Sauna! Sneak into the bathroom just after he/she started to shower and take a massive dump. MAKE SURE THE FAN IS OFF and Dont flush, just let it simmer. The combination of steam and heat will enhance the poop smell and make them think they are in New Jersey on a hot summers night, which is awful.
by The Real PCT December 9, 2009
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A room full of people sobbing while bobbing their heads, thanks to a speaker throbbing some fire sadpop.

A dance floor of sorrowful fist-pumpers. The name derives from Lana del Rey's devastating ballads, which have caused listeners to strip down to their emotions as they heat up on the dance floor. When a Sauna del Ray arises in a moving vehicle, the driver should pull over to the side of the road, hug their passengers, dab thrice, and draft a Tweet about "the shackles of love."
Marcos, kidnap the aux. It's time to turn this wedding into a sauna del rey.
by nolandc October 7, 2019
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Phrase to describe profuse sweating analogous to the moisture output of someone in a sauna who is clad head-to-toe in leather.
"Man, it's hot today. I'm sweating like a gimp in a sauna!"
by Bellser July 30, 2006
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The prime minister of Finland, Sanna Marin, is actually a sauna marine in disguise. He is on a mission to provide more saunas to the globe.
What is the sauna marine doing there?
—He's heating up the competition.
by 🅰️ January 17, 2022
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The act of smoking a cigarette in a vehicle with the windows rolled up.
My mom used to put me in a Boston sauna on long road trips.
by BungusAmongus December 16, 2022
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To fool around in a sexual nature while in a sauna. Sauna Scrap involves two parties, clothed or unclothed. A Sauna Crap can go from kissing to oral to sex. As long as it's sexual and takes place in a sauna.
Mia and Max had a Sauna Scrap at the party.

Tristan and Phoenix dreamed of having a Sauna Scrap together.
by YourLocalBonerGarage May 15, 2017
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An indoor gathering without face masks
Dude, this Q sux, but no way am I going to that germ sauna meeting
by V_SD May 14, 2020
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