When you wait until a movie comes out on dvd and rental to see it.Done when you know you either cant get to the movies or are just broke.
Man i want to go see X-Men Origins but im broke,ill just catch its DVD comeback.
by Davion Williams May 16, 2009
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the act of continuing to comeback like its a game
a: youre fat
b: well im sorry didnt know i was a mirror
a: im sorry wheres the glass
b: glass? youre the only one big like a window here
a: well at least i know how to diet
b: wait were you reading the recommended articles at the bottom of a crappy website again? turdhead
a: only karens do that
b: you wanna speak to the manager?
a: i wanna speak to who told you to be yourself, shame on them
b: i teach myself im independent
it goes on until someone doesnt know what to say
in the end:
a: wow nice comeback fight bro wanna rematch tomorrow
by hsafudgysjudyf May 13, 2020
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When the Dallas Cowboys lead their fans on by closing a large point gap in the fourth quarter, making it seem like they’re going to win, just to end up losing yet another game. Typically involves a stupid play call, bad call by a ref, or turnover.
Don’t get your hopes up, it’s probably just a cowboys comeback...
by NotACowboysFan October 4, 2020
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comeback to candice
Person 1: have you seen candice around?
Person 2: whos candice
Person 1: Candice dick hit in your mouth
Person 2: yes because its so fucking small
by GayPersonWithNoLife July 1, 2022
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When you get into a argument and after it happens you come up with the perfect comeback.
AH! I should have said that! What a good aftermath comeback.
by Mistcakes December 5, 2017
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A phrase depicting a person who's ability to comeback from a major setback.
Person 1: Wow you were at your last stock at 60% and you reverse 3 stocked your opponent twice winning the set

Person 2: what can I say, I have the comeback gene.
by Zaytor June 30, 2021
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Something to say when somebody in a non-personal argument makes a personal insult or taunt. The personal attacker is obviously bested in the original argument but has no balls to admit that he or she is wrong, thus they resort to an irrelevant personal attack.

Best used around other people. Makes them see what you see - the douchebag is just a hollow whiny-boy
“how the hell do you know that? like actually, do you have any evidence whatsoever?”
Lick my ass crack
beta comeback

“dude don’t go out, we gotta be in best shape for the game tomorrow”
“Get a life”
“beta comeback”
by piano_max July 2, 2019
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