A husband that pisses off all your friends and your parents like him because of his job
That damn husband is just the worst, we all hate him.
by Are Kelli September 2, 2022
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Not collecting an entitlement, in order to avoid drawing inconvenient criticism, although you totally could get away with it, and everybody knows it
1. North Korea won't be attacked yet, snooker be damned.
2. We won't seize a go kart at the boardwalk today, snooker be damned.
by Ninja Clan Lord April 24, 2017
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The phrase "Fuck The God Damn Shit" is usually used when (#1) some one is doing something and is tired of doing it and gives up. (#2) Or, it can be used when someone is trying to give someone else something and they deny it."
1.) Kaleb: "Jerry, how much longer am I gonna be cleaning this car for? "

Jerry: "If you can get that bird crap off my car, probably another 2 hours."

Kaleb: "You know what Jerry, FUCK THE GOD DAMN SHIT! I'm going home. You can clean the car yourself, I hope!"

2.) *on the phone*

Bobby: "Noah, I got a surprise for you bro!"

Noah: "Wait...don't tell me it's..."

Bobby: "The money I owe you from last year? Yep! All in cash!"

Noah: "I won the lottery last week. I'm a millionaire! And you can keep the money too."

Bobby: "Wait a damn minute...so you mean to tell me I was busting my ass at work trying to get you this money and

a millionaire? You know what...FUCK THE GOD DAMN SHIT! I can't believe this. I already sent the money to your bank

account bro! I can't believe this. I've been meaning to tell you something too..."

Noah: "First of all, we're not gonna speed past this like you didn't just lose your mind. Let's take a moment of silence..."

*the moment of silence*

Noah: "Now. What did you have to tell me, Bobby?"


Noah's Girlfriend: "Take Money"

Noah: "Stacey, we're done! You know what, FUCK THE GOD DAMN SHIT!"
by Walkers World April 20, 2022
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not again
“damn papa u a rare breed”
shut the fuck up
“no comparinggg and it’s mfing scarryyy”
by keijititstuesday August 5, 2021
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Doing a deed routinely with perfection daily.
Sun up till sun down, my nigga, Imma be getting that paper, and I do it like an ALL DAMN DAYER.
by All Damn Dayer June 23, 2015
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damn a llama , the nicer way
by isabella tomartini January 11, 2020
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Explanation 1: When you're referring to a very nice song/music.
Explanation 2: You just got slapped by a c h i l d.
1: Damn man, This shit slaps!

2: Agreed my guy, I also am lovin' it.
by nonexistentturtle December 7, 2021
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