When one is outside and hangs on a fence whilst squatting for a shit
Fam im busting for a shit but there's no toilets!

Dude we're on a field, just fence hang!!
by Chunk-7912 August 17, 2013
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A squad of true friends that will always have each other's back, the only people that you can truly trust in life.
I love you joel and grant we the guge hang
by Wabblewubble March 13, 2017
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Basically, you laying there dead on the pavement with a white chalk outline of your dead carcass due to a large caliper weapon(like a .44) used to blow your brains out with one hollow tip. Leaving you lying there for everyone to see with your Helmet (slang obviously for head) Hung or Hanging in a Hung position.
Gangster #1 -"Holy Shit Blood, look at that dam cat over there chalked out in white!"

Gangster #2 "Oh shit, his helmet is def hangin! Yo, it must of been a "fo fo" for sho!" Now that's a Helmet Hang if I ever seen one!!!
by WUGAMBINO January 30, 2022
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A fucking shitshow where you and your gf will say "no you hang up"
Me: It's time to go
Gf: You hang up
Me: No you hang up
Gf: You should hang up
Me: No, you should hang up
Basically a loop of no u
by Notmelol123 February 10, 2022
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The act of setting up and IV drip on yourself or a friend, typically not in a hospital setting.
Wanna come over and hang and bang some ketamine, my guy?
by Mcmaniscaleb December 21, 2022
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