When your so deep in the pussy you don't even know where your dick is
Man last night I went all Narnia on her
by jadennnnnn December 27, 2014
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A inside joke ship that will absolutely not happen but is still supported by Mr.Lin
Shut up Narnia.
by igsgnseeeg July 16, 2019
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The best movie and book series ever!
In the movie version of Narnia there is a beautiful lion in it
by Poop21345 May 31, 2018
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A real bitch and thinks they are really pretty but not,she basically has no purpose in life and well I hope she commits suicide.Anyway,being friends with a narnia is the worst choice of your life
Girl2:Why are you crying?
Girl1: A girl stole my boyfriend
Girl2:I bet she is a narnia

So if you are friends with narnia,be smart and unfriend her.
by sup_loser August 29, 2019
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Someone that uses boys for nudes and has nudes of tiktok boys on there phone and masturbates over it
by TrixxyOnYT May 25, 2020
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a place were hitlers most rediculous idea are
Man that someing in hitlers narnia
by robapostrophe May 29, 2018
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