The natural response when a website keeps nagging you for more information or to upgrade your browser or other such related personal information before allowing you to proceed.
"Thank you such in such, we appreciate your business, we would like you to update your information click the get started button to get started."

"stoppit dammit!"
by someone u used to love... April 11, 2013
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A but like Dammit Carl - only cooler! Originated from Dammit Carl , but evolved from Dammit Barry =)
by Flecthiiii November 10, 2007
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God dammit she pregnant means that she is pregnant you might get grounded so no mo gamecube.
"god dammit she pregnant."
by notononlineclasses November 9, 2020
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At a manufacturing facility, for example, an engineer receives his prototype parts from the toolmaker and says after a brief evaluation, "These parts look like boo dammit!"
by tookey75 May 27, 2011
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if anything ever goes wrong anywhere anyhow in any circumstance ever blame charlie
i i phone broke dammit charlie
by limicsakaliam March 15, 2017
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God Dammit is the best phrase to say whenever something goes wrong. It is commonly used by unlucky people.
Me: God dammit!
David: Shut up we already know thats your catchphrase
by Lexfunni October 15, 2023
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