When one knicks ones nether regions as a gentleman. And there is a rampant leakage of haemoglobin via ones testes akin to the bouncing Betty’s destruction of German dams in WW2. I.e. when a self proclaimed idiot tries to pop a blood blister but opens up a capillary.
Christ alive! I’ve just sliced my ball sack. Absolute scrotal calamity.
by Slutty-butt-canoe October 13, 2023
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When one scrunches up the skin of the scrotum to make a mass of loose skin and then pushes their finger in to create the effect of a beefy vagina. Why one would do this remains one of life's great mysteries.
by Psuedomatt July 23, 2017
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Noun. The sound that is produced from the collision of any surface or object against the scrotal skin surrounding the testicles.
You can hear several scrotal slaps as Clint Eastwood initiates his morning jog.
by Sir Caseingsworth July 17, 2017
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A person who is such an annoying asshole they are as enjoyable as a lozenge that tastes like the dirtiest scrotum.
by thunkcunt May 3, 2023
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When you make a cup using your ball sack, pour a shot in and then a friend drinks the shot.
Mate, that scrotal shot got me so drunk last night.
by Dr.A-double March 14, 2016
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Vomit that has entered the scrotum usually caused by trauma
He was punched in the stomach so hard, his scrotum filled with scrotal vomit.
by MI ballsaac July 12, 2022
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The act of a given person's scrotum filling with vomit
John's stomach was punched so hard, his ballsack was filled with scrotal vomit
by MI ballsaac July 6, 2022
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