When the Uber you are traveling in has been filled by the party you are traveling with
"Hey, how are you and Janice getting to the party?"
"Oh, we're getting an Uber that's been Ubed"
by UmbraDominus February 11, 2018
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Ubed is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “servant”, as in “servant of Allah”. Ubed is the name of many companions of the Prophet ﷺ, such as Ubed al-Ansari and Ubed Abu Abdurrahman. It is derived from the AIN-B-D root which is used in many places in the Quran.
Ubed is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “servant”, as in “servant of Allah”. Ubed is the name of many companions of the Prophet ﷺ, such as Ubed al-Ansari and Ubed Abu Abdurrahman. It is derived from the AIN-B-D root which is used in many places in the Quran.
by Ayywywyauqiwoiauajwuwha September 23, 2021
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Ubed is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “servant”, as in “servant of Allah”. Ubed is the name of many companions of the Prophet ﷺ, such as Ubed al-Ansari and Ubed Abu Abdurrahman. It is derived from the AIN-B-D root which is used in many places in the Quran.
by Ayywywyauqiwoiauajwuwha September 23, 2021
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The case in which a small duck happens to float in your bathtub. Depending on whether or not this said duck is made of rubber or flesh and duck organs and etc., there is no threat of danger.
GeneralPerson #1: "Did I tell you? There was an Ub Dub this morning!"
GeneralPerson #2: "Same thing happened yesterday!"
by UbDubMaster January 3, 2010
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A 30cm steele rod used to defend yourself with.
Adam: Mate, why the hell do you have a solid steele rod in your car.
Nick: It's my UB Stick.

adam: UB Stick?

Nick: Yeah, U B dead when i hit you with it!

Luka: Mannn..... i gotta head to Singleton, N.S.W.

Josh: Better Grab ya UB Stick.. Never know what whack jobs gonna be attempting a wigga's drive by. All the Young F@*ktards live there now.
by its.the.truth.and.you.know.it January 20, 2011
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UBS (unstable butthole syndrome) is a condition that forms in males or females usually brought on by hot wings, bean soup, cheap late night burritos, or extremely spicy food. Causes your butthole to feel like there’s a blow torch by it all day and you feel like you will blow a hole in your underwear without warning.
Jim: hey Fred you going to the gym tonight?
Fred: nah man my UBS (unstable butthole syndrome) is bad after Taco Bell last night
by Mjc1125 December 3, 2018
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Utter bollocks;like everything - The UK definition
Utter bullshit;like evrything - The US definition

a) Used as a catch-all response when something isn't making sense, or has spun off in a pointless direction. Frequently used as a response to baffling corporate decisions

b) Used as a warning or precursor to making a suggestion or submitting an idea

In either use of the term, it is generally being used in a cynical way to describe the pointlessness of a situation, idea or action, or its potential to be so.
Example for a)
Person 1: "Have you seen what management now want us to do each week?"
Person 2 "Yeah, ub;le"

Examples for b)
When suggesting a new idea: "ub;le, but have we tried to do it this way ....."
When making a comment: "I think the point of that artwork is to challenge the senses. I dunno ub;le?"
by simcoll September 12, 2022
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