A Brittney is a beautiful exotic girl. She is a tiny girl with a loud laugh that you grow to love. She always appears so happy and high on life. Guys fall for her without her knowing. Brittney is someone who finds the good in all things. She is kind hearted and will talk to anyone who will listen. Looking into her piercing brown eyes will make you fall in love instantly, and her smile will hold you down for a lifetime. Sex with her feels so much more than physical or mental, it feels spiritual. She's a deity, a muse, the one you look to when you need inspiration. Don't mistake her confidence for snobbiness, she just knows who she is without any doubt and won't let others tell her any different. Just sit back and watch her strut because she's a boss.

Brittney's are strong Women who are unfuckwithable, they turn lemons into chocolate cake and leave basic bitches wondering how they did it. People can think she's too much, but usually it's because they have no confidence around Brittney.

She's magic, highly emotionally intelligent and is always herself.

Brittney's are obsessed with making others feel good in their own skin, if you stick with a Brittney she'll brainwash you into thinking you can do anything.

If you ever meet her, never let her go. She is the best thing that could ever walk into your life. She's that woman, the one you stay with or regret you were never with.
Wow! Look at that bad ass bitch Brittney?!

I want a piece of Brittney's amazingness

Person 1: Who is that woman??

Person2: That's Brittney, bitch.
by Bruh2319 November 23, 2021
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A bitch who is envyous loves seeing others failing. Who is a whore
Hey theirs Brittney I bet she is going to have fun with a guy
by Grace Yarnell December 14, 2017
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brittney is the kindest girl in the world 😃
she will be there for you always
and whenever your sad
shes gonna be right at your door with snacks!!1!1!1!1!!1!1👹👹👹
brittney: omg!!!! are you crying!?
person: y-yes 😭
brittney: *hugs* its going to be fine i promise and heres some tissues and candies xd uwu owo rawr x3 *furry noises*
by smartsmurf400 November 7, 2020
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Hey look at that brittney over there it can use some growth hormone
by the daws man April 15, 2019
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If you've happened to charm a Brittney into your life, you're probably one of the most fortunate souls in this world. Brittney's are passionate, creative, sexy humans with a sense of humor that will have your cheeks hurting from laughing.

Those with the name Brittney have an eye for aesthetics, and will create the coziest most intentionally perfect spaces to snuggle into. Brittney's are extremely talented and can literally learn a new skill every week and amaze all with her imaginative creations.

Brittney's are kind and gentle, nurturing and empathetic. But don't try to f**k with a Brittney because she will hold you accountable for your shit. She is intuitive and bright. You will literally cry yourself to an early grave if you mess up a chance to get to know a Brittney.

Lastly, if you happen to be lucky enough to get intimate with a Brittney, your head will roll because she is a sensual powerhouse and will definitely have you desiring all the pleasure.

She is a goth icon.
Person: Did you see that babe over there??? Omg what a fricken icon!!!

Me: of course, that's a BRITTNEY
by Jackie Hannah November 24, 2021
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a name that is used on girls. usually they are very popular and outgoing. and refer to themselves as basic.
“I’m so basic”, Brittney says, followed by laughing and tapping her acrylic nails
by basic hœ July 7, 2019
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Brittney is an amazing man who always wants to take care of those around him. He is kind, funny, and a bit weird which is the best. Most people would describe him as big-hearted, he would probably describe himself as endearing. He knows how to treat his girl and will give her the love she deserves. He is wise and has got some really good advice, but if he is watching anime, sports, or playing video games his ears can turn off from time to time. But he always apologizes and does his very best to make it up to you and ensure you know how loved you are. If you know someone like Brittney, don't let them go.
"Oh did you meet that guy Brittney?"

"Yeah he is was pretty cool."

"Oh, he said he was endearing...."
by hazeleyedgurrrrll November 24, 2021
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