A member of the only group of people trying to impose religious law on the United States.
"Our country is besieged by fundamentalists trying to subject it to religious law! They will force women to submit to men and put gay people to death!"
"I know, they're called values voters. Unfortunately they've been here a while and seemingly aren't going anywhere."
by Aunt Tifa Lockhart November 7, 2017
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The failure-to-vote position created by unrelenting exposure to largely unsubstantiated, incorrect election fraud accusations and fever dream, conspiracy theorist lunacy.
I'm a proud 'Merican and I believe that free and fair elections are the foundation of our Republic and the Democratic experiment itself. If our election system is undermined or found corrupt the only logical remedy is voter self-suppression; non-participation as an act of passive defiance will help restore confidence!
(and make victory for non-delusional voters an almost absolute)
by YAWA January 4, 2021
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(n) 1. one who is unable to make a decision
2. a bisexual
Bush and Dick spend a lot of time in the red-light district trying to woo swing voters.
by BeardedFatass October 2, 2004
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When voters become tired of voting for the sane person. Usually for athletes winning awards like MVP
Many people say LeBron James didn’t win defensive player of the year in 2014 because of many votes for other awards leading to voter fatigue
by FUCKNBAYOUNGBOY November 2, 2020
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One who votes based on information gleaned from other low information voters, rumors, viral emails, and FOX "News".
Low Information Voters are skewing the electorate in favor of the corporatocracy because they don't have the curiousity or ability to research facts for themselves. Low Information Voters will vote against labor unions, in spite of the fact that the labor unions are responsible for getting them the 40 hour work week, decent wages, employer provided health insurance, vacations, lunch hours, and breaks, among other things.
by RustyCannon January 8, 2010
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People which don't have a life (like myself)
Usually around the age 12-19
Often find childish name definitions, which plague this site and then votes "Keep out!"
"The urban dictionary voter often complains about name definitions."
by JaNoBillag January 29, 2018
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A condition caused by having children. It leaves a person unable to fill in a voter registration card, remember how to fill in a ballot, drive to a polling place, or remember election day at all. or Any excuse to not vote by parents.
Jane had drop the youngest off at day-care before work, and Dick had to pick the oldest up from football after work. Neither voted on election day and now we are stuck with Rick Scott. I hate voter-autism
by Tanninhater July 22, 2011
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