Yo, did you hear? Cinco Ranch YM had every round against them forfeited because they were too good!
by NSDA_Official September 15, 2023
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An upstate New York term used mainly by Hispanic thug boys or frats to describe a female as being mid or just average quality in looks.
Male 1: Ayo Pablo you see that shorty over there?

Make 2: Yeah homie she a cinco de mayo if I ever saw one

Male 1: you right homes she a middie
by The New York hillbilly February 3, 2023
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5 consecutive Chess.com Arena Kings Tournament wins, popularized by GM Aman Hambleton and Brannan the Intern on the YouTube video: ARENA KINGS | BRANNAN THE INTERN & COACH HAMBLETON
Lets win this tournament and go on a quick cinco run! Quick cinco FTW!
by Defninja September 19, 2018
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To stream live on 5 different platforms all at once.
Did you watch the cinco-cast of ZLaner yesterday?
by Yaboi KUVO. :-) August 25, 2022
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AKA Stage 5 Clinger. Anyone who doesn't get the idea that the person they want, wants nothing to do with them. The name of the game here is denial, and it can lead a person down a slippery slope of unhappiness or embarrassment in the end. First sign of a Broadway Cinco would be a girl/guy who is down to suck your dick or similar act within 1 hour of seeing you, and then ends up being obsessed with you despite any heroic actions on the part of the man/woman.
Jerry Jabilo - Looks at girl with sexual intent, "Hey girl.."

Nicole Thompson - "Why hello there good sir," elequently

spoke Nicole.

Jerry Jabilo - "Shall we run off into my room and F-U-C-K?"

Nicole Thompson - "I'll do you one better ;)"

Jerry Jabilo - "What do you have in mind?"

Nicole Thompson - Nicole pulls a small box out of her purse, "Here is the finest cut diamond in the world...now ask me to marry you!"

Jerry Jabilo - "Holy fuck I gotta get outta here, we've got a Broadway Cinco on our hands"

Nicole Thompson - "NOOOOO! PLEASE, come back! I thought we had something special."

Nicole Thompson - "Oh well, he still loves me..."
by Quagmier December 8, 2012
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A date wear Mexican's celebrate kicking out Spanish and French people out of there Country.
Happy Cinco de Mayo Aren't you happy we kicked out those Spanish and French people.
by Bear-3 January 6, 2019
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