Don't be famous, or you'll get cancelled by twatters for some joke tweet.
by Grandmadestroyer666 January 27, 2021
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Noun: A completely unexplainable occurrence, with absolutely no context other than being completely random; usually to the amusement and surprise of the observer(s) or 'twattee(s)'.
Example 1
*Derek is waiting in a queue for food and the till starts making ambulance siren noises without anyone touching it*
Derek: "Now that's a twatter!"

Example 2
*A couple of friends are watching a bystander*
Friend 1: "That man's throwing bagels at the seagulls again."
Friend 2: "That's a bit of a twatter."
by Clunge101 December 7, 2016
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It's just like twitter but for cunts!!
Person A: I was going to set up
A twitter account.
Person B: Nah mate you should set up a twatter account.

Person A: Why would I do that?
Person B: Well you a massive cunt that's why!!
by Motherchuckler September 24, 2014
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A woman or girl that uses a sexy profile pic to attract random social networking followers or friends in order to boost her sense of self worth.
Some random twatter just followed me. The pic of her in a bikini is hot, but there ain't no follow back girl.
by DaReal McCoy May 12, 2012
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To send a tweet before you've actually thought it through
P O T U S; a twatter a day keeps the media at bay
by henry case July 27, 2017
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somthing that idiots that think theyre reallly coool when theyr actully total idiots
twatter is like the best thing every invented
by nobodylikesuahole April 29, 2019
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-A user of twitter because twitter is strictly for twats that complain about everything life has to offer.

- Anyone that takes twitter seriously.

- Also could be a future reference to a twitter type porn.
- Hector123: @Preston I totally love going out and tweeting about last night!

- Preston: @Hector123 lol i know you twatter! #TonightsYourNightMan
by October 25, 2011
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