Someone who chooses to not conforms to not conform to non-conformity
G1: "hey man, jim is a total non-conformist, he is pretty cool"
G2:"nah man, im not going to conform to his non-conformity"
G1: "yeah, me niether"
G1, is a Non-non-conformist.
by PremiumDancer January 7, 2012
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One who enters a retail estblishment that has a sign posted,"Shirt and Shoes Required", wearing only shoes and a pants or underwear. AKA freeball shopping.
I went into Gas 'n Guzzle as a dress code conformist and they still had me arrested.
by wolfbait51 June 2, 2011
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somebody who hates something everyone else likes, just because they think it makes them different or non-conformist. often emo or punk kids think they are non-conformist because they dress different than everyone else, but when in reality they are just conforming to their perception of non-conformity. real conformists do not care whether something is popular or not, they just wear it because they like it.
"Wannabe non-conformist- I went into Hot Topic today and saw this prep walk in wearing a pink polo shirt. What a conformist!

Me- No dipshit, they came in because they like the store. They are true non-conformists."

"Wannabe non-conformist- I am so pissed! I found Less Than Jake years ago and they're getting famous so now I can't listen to them, or else I'm just another damn conformist.

Non-conformist- I found them years ago too, but I'm still going to listen to them because I like their music."
by Chrissa K July 25, 2008
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1. A term used to express extreme dislike for people who will change they're appearance, personality, and will ruin they're life just to be considered "cool".

2. Can also be a conformist term because your conforming to the bias that everyone included in the "I hate conformists" statement is actually a conformist. Maybe they aren't the conformist, you are. Because you say "I hate conformist" your throwing yourselves in with the stereotype of the "Individuals," The select group of stuckup, snobby, "I've been to college" kind of attitude(Though they're only in highschool) people that are conforming to the "Individuals" bias.
1. Guy 1."God, look at him, wearing American Eagle, what a conformist"

Guy 2."Yeah, I hate conformists"

2. Asshole 1. "Sheesh, look at her, wearing her hair in a ponytail, like, totally unenlightened, pass me that weed, maaan."

Asshole(Girl) 2. "Wanna spread your freedom in me, like, duuuude?"
by Akalay April 8, 2011
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a stupid fucked up label of teenage society that makes no sense. Like saying you're a "non-human human" which isn't grammarically correct. So shut up with the labels because they're shit and they only hurt people.
Label someone again with ANY stupid tags, I'm gonna beat you over the head with a lead pipe.
by xboxmunky March 30, 2005
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Nobody can be a "wannabe non-conformist."
Because first of all, a non-conformist dosen't conform to anything, or dosen't want to and is their own unique and individual person. A wannabe is a poser. So being a "wannabe non-conformist" is like being a non-human human. You can't be. You're either human or not (in this case conformist or not) It's the illiterate dinguses that call people "wannabe non-conformist" trying to sound smart and non-conformist.. it's also the same people that think linkin park is punk. Morons.
HAHA! You have long hair and always wear black, your a conformist!

Whoa, dude, you wore neo fluorescant colors, that's so non-conformist.

You're not goth, but you dress like one, your poser. (that's how you call someone a "wannabe non-conformist")
by xboxmunky March 28, 2005
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A white American jew who is neither a Democrat ,a liberal or a libertarian
When jewxit will finally come, you will understand what a non conformist jew is.
by Sexydimma March 27, 2021
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