Brittneys are queens. They are intelligent and some of the sweetest people you’ll know. They light up a room when they walk in one. She holds her words back for no one, loyal to a fault and fashion forward. They are feisty but are soft at heart once you break down that exterior. She likes to wined and dined. Hardworking and wifey material. Can be irritatingly blunt but it’s because she loves you. If she doesn’t do that, that means she doesn’t love you enough. Find you a Brittney.
Who’s that wifey material over there?
Oh that’s a Brittney
by BoomKatSkiddat November 24, 2021
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A backstabbing bitch. Maybe they’re nice at first but she gets comfortable and BOOM all of a sudden, she betrays you. Claims she has a lot of friends that are popular but she barely gets any view on Snapchat. Her dancing is horrible but she thinks she’s so good. And she’s really controlling so don’t let her boss you around.
“Did you hear what Brittney said about you?”
“Brittney? My friend?”
“Yeah she said that you’re lying to everyone”
“But I didn’t”
“Well that’s what she’s telling everyone”
by A$AP_MAMII October 18, 2018
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Brittney- a beautiful girl who will always try to please you even if she gets hurt in the process. She will never try to disappoint you and she’s very competitive. She’ll try her hardest to win even at a sport she’s not very good at😂she’s an artist in her drawings and in her pictures she takes and she looks like a model but would never believe it if people told her that.She gives people a lot of chances even if they hurt her bc she’s a very forgiving person but once she’s done, she’s done... she’ll block you on everything. She’s very random and goofy and she’s living her best life. She has lots of inside jokes with her friends and can never get enough of her best friends. She’s clingy in relationships and that’s usually what turns the guys off. She loves vsco so go look up your favorite Brittney and follow her and republish the things you like of her vsco and always let her know how much you care bc if you don’t she’ll move on even if she likes you bc you aren’t showing interest in her... she loves telling stories and loves cuddling under blankets in the wintertime when it’s cold and Christmas music is playing and the fireplace is crackling and overall she’s a very great girl who loves school and loves her friends and family more than anything❤️
Person 1 :Whoa who IS that beautiful girl right there?

Person 2: That’s Brittney...she’s amazing just like, she’s so beautiful
by Lovin’ life August 12, 2019
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Seems like a bitch, its kewl tho.
Ray: Hey look, its that bitch Brittney.
Madi: Omg! You're right it is her.
by The Bloodbath trophy. April 23, 2019
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high key racist, lives in the south but has no accent, hates everyone, might shoot up the school, taller than all her friends
Did you hear what Brittney said?
No what?
She called the Daquan a nigger-ape!
by AlabamaNiglet August 23, 2017
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A Brittney is a beautiful exotic girl. She is a tiny girl with a loud laugh that you grow to love. She always appears so happy and high on life. Guys fall for her without her knowing. Brittney is someone who finds the good in all things. She is kind hearted and will talk to anyone who will listen. Looking into her piercing brown eyes will make you fall in love instantly, and her smile will hold you down for a lifetime. Sex with her feels so much more than physical or mental, it feels spiritual. She's a deity, a muse, the one you look to when you need inspiration. Don't mistake her confidence for snobbiness, she just knows who she is without any doubt and won't let others tell her any different. Just sit back and watch her strut because she's a boss.

Brittney's are strong Women who are unfuckwithable, they turn lemons into chocolate cake and leave basic bitches wondering how they did it. People can think she's too much, but usually it's because they have no confidence around Brittney.

She's magic, highly emotionally intelligent and is always herself.

Brittney's are obsessed with making others feel good in their own skin, if you stick with a Brittney she'll brainwash you into thinking you can do anything.

If you ever meet her, never let her go. She is the best thing that could ever walk into your life. She's that woman, the one you stay with or regret you were never with.
Wow! Look at that bad ass bitch Brittney?!

I want a piece of Brittney's amazingness

Person 1: Who is that woman??

Person2: That's Brittney, bitch.
by Bruh2319 November 23, 2021
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