Group Of Bandits,, Consists Off:
Sambo- Pure Thug. Big Rep.
Lovey- Same As Sambo, Rolls With The Bloods, Known 2 Always Carry A Shank And Merk Phassie's That Get In His Way.
Kris- Bred From The Ghetto, Reps BANES With His Boy And Gyal Demz.

"Boys Watch Out Here Come The Rasta Man-Demz"
"Look On That Wall,, Its The Rasta Man-Demz Tag"
by Rmd Bandit. January 16, 2008
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Having nasty hot sex anywhere but the bed
Guy 1: Hey why are those people doing it on the ground?

Guy 2: They must be doing the rasta-mc-nasty
by SOL-DUDE July 29, 2011
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Bong water. Also known as Jamaican kool-aid.
Shanaugh spilled rasta kool-aid all over Jarvis and now he smells really bad!
by Verbal Platinum Princess May 13, 2009
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The Jamaican version of jumbalaya. The Rasta pasta consists of a combination of pastas. No specific type of pasta is required although shells and a stuffed pasta such as gnocchi or tortellini are highly recommended , some dank chicken, light seasoning, Asian style rice, topped with store bought sauce of your choosing. Typically Alfredo sauce is used. It is mixed together and pairs well with litmosas and asparagus.
Italians got nothing on me because I got the MF Rasta pasta, mon
by Fendi Fact November 22, 2018
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Those whomst smoke and proceeds to try and hack shit and praying something works
nah nah lads an absolute rasta hat hacker
by F4r3well March 4, 2022
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White kid who claims his homeland is Jamaica.

His Reggae music collection is full of Bob Marley songs in all versions. His/her favorite is "no woman no cry" and can sign it like he/she owns it.
His/her attire consist on red, yellow and green anything.

And usually has a print or tattoo the of the Zion Lion somewhere.
Look at that kid from Ohio, singing No Woman No cry, he's such a Fresh Water Rasta.
by bluealmondhostel February 20, 2014
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When bricks of seized weed goes up up smoke by the PoPo and the surrounding area get's a contact high.
"DAMN! There's going to be a Rasta Block Party since they busted that illegal grow down the street."
by Bread of Corn October 30, 2015
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