completely in the middle of nowhere; far away from anywhere.
the dude lives in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere!
by mr.Tom January 10, 2003
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A band that almost nobody knows of, despite the fact that they are so incredibly talented.

I strongly suggest you go look them up on Myspace. There is a good chance you will like them. The singer has a beautiful voice, they use a variety of instruments, and their lyrics are always original, witty, and refreshing.
Person A: Hey, have you heard of The Future Kings of Nowhere?

Person B:

Person A: Oh right, I am one of the like...five people who actually know about them. Everyone knows about the talent-less losers like Hannah Montana and (Insert Name of famous Rap/Pop/Hip-Hop singer here), but pays no attention to true talent. *Sigh*

Person B: Um...kay...I'm going to go stand over there now.
by The 60 of Smith Street January 26, 2009
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Where you are when you're lost, but you've found a town.
"A date? A DATE!? How do you expect me to get a date? We're in the buttfuck middle of nowhere!"
by Bendio October 24, 2008
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Those shitty matches that they sell now since some fucktard probably burned himself playing with them. They used to sell decent ones but they are all fagged out!
Lost camper #1: I can't get this strike anywhere match to work!

Lost camper #2: Let me see that! GOT BROUGT THE STRIKE NOWHERE MATCHES YOU FAG!!! We're going to die out here!
by Max February 22, 2009
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When you are standing on the sidewalk or somewhere and some chick or dude just kisses or makes out with you when you least expect it. Also called a surprise kiss. If you're horny, you wanted it to happen.
X: Dude, guess what happened.
Y: What happened?
X: See that chick over there?
Y: Yeah. Why?
X: She just kissed me and I never had time to react.
Y: Lucky boy, a kiss from nowhere
by Clem Winkleberry July 9, 2014
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Girl from Nowhere is a Thai mystery thriller anthology television series created by studio SOUR Bangkok and starring actress Kitty Chicha Amatayakul in the lead role. There are 2 seasons.
person 1: Hey did you watch Girl From Nowhere?
person 2: Yeah I'm in love with Nanno...
person 1: Me too! Yuri is also beautiful right?
person 2: Yeah but I hope she won't replace Nanno.
person 1: Ofc she won't.
by amaratayakul August 9, 2021
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