an act of wearing a costume of a character and playing as them in the costume. most often seen in anime characters.
woah did you see that cosplayer? their cosplay looked so canon!”
by alternativeaster June 9, 2021
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To descreetly cosplay by using clothing or makeup.
"What's with the bushy hair?"
"It's everyday cosplay."
"oh...who're you supposed to be?"
"Hermione Granger."
by citrico June 8, 2015
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One of the best cosplayerz!!!
“ mythical._.cosplays is amazing :D”
by Stylenagito :) January 4, 2021
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The act of farting and telling everyone around you either before or after the act.
I did such a huge Anni Cosplay here, you might not wanna get closer.
by FatWeeb August 31, 2019
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1. To cosplay a character unrelated to the convention/event's theme.

2. To cosplay an original character
Oni-chan is crash cosplaying an anime character to the gaming convention! He's so cool!
Do you think anyone will know who we are if we crash cosplay western comic characters to the anime con?
by Loli Chan December 5, 2013
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Discord Profile Cosplaying (D.P.C) is a form of virtual cosplaying where you change your discord profile to look like someone else's profile, this includes changing your profile picture, your banner, your "about me" and even your nickname (example: Beluga, Hecker, Discord Bots, Etc)
-Hey, is that the real Beluga?
-No, its just my friend doing D.P.C
-You mean Discord Profile Cosplaying?
by tobiasestarelol12344 August 22, 2021
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The act of when individuals in a white-collar environment masquerade as sophisticated, hi-powered professionals with dreams of innovation and corporate-ladder climbing.

In reality, they are nothing more than simpering, limp mediocrities with little imagination, over-inflated ambition, endless arsenals of vapid buzzwords and half-baked skills that offer nothing to whatever field or industry they happen to be (undeservedly) employed in.

The only thing they happen to share with real professionals who actually do know their shit, are direct as hell and get things done is their passion for their own business attire. Giorgio Armani, Hugo Boss, or hell, even some cheap-ass suit from Target won't hide the fact that these dipshits are out of their depth and pollute the office environment with their infinite, tedious posturing.

Unlike typical cosplay there ain't no hotties strutting around as Wonder Woman and Black Widow, or dudes stomping around as Thor or Batman here. Only simians with ties and lapels are what you can expect.
"Hey Sean, ready to watch the latest round of Corporate Cosplay in the Marketing Dept. Today?"

"Jesus Christ. If I hear the word 'artisan' or 'paradigm' from those fuckwits one more time I'm going to crack some skulls."
by No Man's Skyfall December 15, 2016
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