A word used to deny i a human being
Barthalemewl... I shun your fat ass.
by Mysisterisadick January 1, 2021
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Someone who is sweet, and genuine. Timid at first but when warmed up to isn’t afraid to show passion and emotion. His favourite colour is usually green, or black. A fantastic hugger. When he holds you in his arms, even in just a friendly embrace, the rest of the world melts away. He is a very smart person, who tends to be lazy. He is one of the best friends you will ever have. He has a pretty long fuse when it comes to anger and rage but when he does get mad, give him space! He loves doing unexpected romantic things for the person they love. Hates being left out of conversations and gatherings. Someone who you can talk to and will truly listen. Not the best at making conversation but will always try his best.
Girl: Dang! Did you see Shun today?

Girl 2: He was looking like a snack!

Girl: I wish I could have a Shun.
by HavanaP. November 24, 2021
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An uncommon name. Belonging to the shortest person ever. A questionable female, likes to use the word "thot". Tends to be afraid of bugs. A smart person who enjoys giving spoilers. Is often ugly and stupid.
Wait, your name is Shun? Aren't you a bit too tall to be a Shun?

Shun: thot
Ryan: stop using the same word 20 times in a row.
Jordan: here we go again
Kev: *insert random offtopic picture*
by RyanGTR September 6, 2019
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When the size of your penis becomes general knowledge and women avoid you like the plague.
It looks like the Red Sea parting when Dan walks through a group of women...now thats A dick shun.
by neorio March 11, 2016
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