When a girl won’t ask your friend to a Sadie’s Dance
Me: Have you asked Bradon to the Sadie’s dance yet
Carlie: No not yet
Me: Dammit Carl
by Dean Gulbarry February 15, 2019
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a saying commonly said when somebody does something they didnt mean to do.
son: OH GOD DAMMIT i forgot to go to my dads funeral!

mother: HEY god didnt dam anything the beavers did! and he's not dead he's just passed out.
by account bob from EO! June 4, 2009
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a friend of yours that preforms the act of forgetting essential details at the most critical of times involving matters of utmost importance, therefore screwing up everything.
Alex: Dude, josh totally doctor dammit'd me boning my girlfriend last night!

Gene: Well if you were hanging out with me, then we both could have boned her.

Alex:...do what?

Gene: I'm not a doctor dammit!
by the weird that chose to be man October 27, 2010
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Website dedicated to making fun of Joey. Posts of pictures and intentionally bad photoshops with pictures of Joey. Can be found on ohdammitjoet.blogspot.com
DAMMIT JOEY!!! Why are you on urban dictionary
by DAMMIT JOEY April 25, 2009
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Phrase used when your friend just simply ruins everything. Often.
Krupa: *Runs out of elevator drunk and screaming. Gets caught by RA and gets herself and her friend written up.*
by Straight Krupin' October 22, 2013
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The full name of our Christian God.
Trivial Question:

What the last name of God

A: Dang it
B: Darn it
C: Dammit
D: None of the above

Random Contestant: Is it "C", Dammit?

Host: You're correct. God's full name is God Fucking Dammit!

Contestants and Guests applaud.
by Viscount Druitt March 23, 2022
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