similar to "thats what she said" but can be used in similar and other situations. used in situations where "thats what she said" would not make sense or wouldn't apply.

created by Chris V.
make sure you get some on your face." "thats what i told her.
by cvell June 14, 2010
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A phrase used to replace 'Thats what she said'. It is in reference to the pundit Andy Gray who made sexist comments about a female lineswoman in a premier league soccer match.
Mike Whats the answer to this question?
John: I don't know what it is.
Mike: Thats what Andy Gray said!

Frank: Whats going on?
Sam: Thats what Andy Gray said!
by yeahyeahkid February 1, 2011
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You say this when you want to annoy the fuck out of someone (repetitively).
When you don't care what someone is saying.
Or when you are trolling a chatroom that has a topic!

Created by some randomer called allowthewolf
Example 1 :

Person 1: Hi
Person 2 : Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 1: WTF?
Person 2: Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 1: Umm ok
Person 2 : Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 1 : STOP IT!!
Person 2: Gangaland dooda thats what she said

Example 2:

Person 1: So i just go a new bike today, with blue handle bars and it cost soo much ........
Person 2 : Gangaland dooda thats what she said

Example 3:
*In a Chatroom*
Person 1: Yh I think chocolate ice cream is good
Person 2: Yh but i prefer rocky road
Troll: Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 3 : I like strawberry
Troll: Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 1: Yh but its too sweet
Troll: Gangaland dooda thats what she said
Person 2 : WTF IS THAT!!
Person 1: That does not even make sense
Troll: Gangaland dooda thats what she said
by amiimii August 21, 2011
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An akward comment, that combines the phrase "ur mom" and "thats what he said", but flips the "mom" part to "dad"
usually said by someone who goes by the name katie
Jenn: God I really suck at this
Katie: Thats what ur dad said
Jenn: WTF is that
Monica: I know right (lauging)
by Johnny Crocket February 23, 2008
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If thats what makes you sleep at night- Commonly used phrase to make peers nearby laugh. But mainly it means what your trying to say is impossible and would never happen.
Other Kid: "Yeah if thats what makes you sleep at night."
Other kids: "BHAHHAH"
by Marztav January 10, 2009
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