Cough out loud, or Choke out loud.
Originated by Immy Mahitab 5/24/2008
I have (cough, cough) the flu. lmao COL!
I just choked on my own spit. COL!
by Immy Mahitab May 25, 2008
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col = crushing out loud
Use this when you're crushing on someone and you don't even want to hide it

It's a fast reply on someone beautiful (online)
*Billie posted a new instagram picture

-> Noah commented: col!!
by jebff March 21, 2021
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COL is an abbreviation for Cry Out Loud, similar to LOL which is commonly used to express laughter
jack: SPoiler Alert she died after this episode

Chloe: Oh fuck no , COL...
by ImXanax July 7, 2019
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“One time I smelled cotton candy and got really excited but when I turned around the corner it was just some prepubescent fuck smoking a flash drive and I finally felt the same level of disappointment my parents felt on my birth”

by whorenwithlauren December 3, 2018
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Chuckling out loud: used in place of lol, for when you are ACTUALLY laughing out loud.

It's original definition is "Chuckling out loud", used as a brief acronym to denote ACTUAL laughter in chat conversations.

Since lol is overused to the point where nobody laughs out loud when they say it, col is used to denote actual out loud laughter.

See: lmao, lmfao, rofl, lawl, heh, haha, lolol, and 120 for similarities.

Note that this is NOT a filler abbreviation you use when you have nothing else to say.
A: I just sharted myself.


*only said if B was actually chuckling/laughing out loud.

*lol to be used if no real laughter happened.
by Nomad609 July 25, 2018
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Will ban your accounts if you make him angry
by yourmother2346 May 29, 2022
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