by Tiasster February 09, 2007
Describing an easy bitch that wants to smash with no morals and you like that. Or referring to the moment that you see a bitch that you would EASILY smash.
by cowmuncher March 03, 2015
The thing your teacher says before giving you the hardest test of your life. If your teacher says this, you must run from it. A scientific study conducted by MIT confirms that the average test score when a teacher says this is 49%. This phrase is often followed up with stuff like "I am ashamed to give you this test".
Teacher: OK guys pop quiz! Don't worry, it's easy easy easy.
Gullible Student: Oh, it's good I didn't study. This test will be very easy to pass.
Smart Student: Oh crap, I am screwed. I guess I must break my fingers. Hey Daquan, can you break my fingers?
Daquan: Sure, if you break mine.
Smart Student: Deal.
by SleazyBoy April 04, 2018
by Your April 13, 2017
by Mystro December 23, 2003
by Whydoyouwannaknow? April 09, 2010