11 definitions by ~HumanonlySee4gbRam

The dreaded night one death of a medium in Town of Salem.

They call it a curse because he will be virtually useless since his ability is speaking with the dead at night and share the information with town at day. But since he is dead, he can no longer share information with the town. The only choice left is using one seance with an alive person at night.
Day 1
Ann Hibbins was shot by a memder of the Mafia.

We found a lasr will.

Ann Hibbin's role was Medium.

by ~HumanonlySee4gbRam October 20, 2019
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A typo made by someone asking for nudes.
A: Send nukes bb.

B: Ok

A: nudes*
by ~HumanonlySee4gbRam October 4, 2017
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It's important to know that math is supreme torture, there's not a thing in math that's not supreme torture.
by ~HumanonlySee4gbRam September 20, 2017
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This is a phrase that you would begin with and say when your already giving your best at something and still don't make your goal.

Usually occurs during school tests when you have total confidence and still fail.
What does it take to make the top 10 in our class?!! IVE TRIED EVERYTHING!!
by ~HumanonlySee4gbRam September 20, 2017
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