76 definitions by zanderfin

A paradigm that Marxism is an incomplete critique of capitalism due to the circumstance that it is unable to stop social deconstructionism.
Metamodernism refutes Derrida by arguing that deconstructionism isn't 'true' Marxism.
by zanderfin December 13, 2019
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A paradigm which states that data is more than an image: it is a function.

A paradigm in which data is a system-image or a motion-of-color.
Avant-nihilism smears colors by spinning them at infinite speed.

This creates a multiplicity of functions.

The most transparent of these functions is data.

Fractalnoia says data is a function-in-itself.
by zanderfin December 13, 2019
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Iridescence is the synchronicity in changes of color at the surface of space.
Iridescence indicates that labels flee to the surface of space.
Thus the "avant" is an escape from, or an interiorization of, labels.

Iridescence indicates that Kant's "numena" and "numena-in-themselves" are a false dichotomy. The correct dichotomy is "numena" and "numena-ITself."
by zanderfin October 29, 2019
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A paradigm in which images come from the future.

Asserts that pop culture is a deterministic pathway to fascism.

A summation of the work of Baudrillard.
Pop fascism argues that images are fascist-in-themselves.

Pop fascism argues that functions of pop culture for instance viral culture are NOT friends of the left.
by zanderfin September 13, 2019
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The postulation that function exists on a plane and will exists above it.
Hypermodernism argues that free will is external to the mind-image (structure-image) and is external most ostensibly to the function-structure-image (skeuomorph).
by zanderfin October 22, 2020
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Prometheanism is the idea that heat or energy is the result of gravity forcing colors down from ultranihilistic space.

Friction against Tarski's assymmetric lines causes gravity to release color as heat.
by zanderfin August 22, 2020
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A paradigm in which a return-value coin (a hypercoin) based on consumer demand is used to pay for distribution costs of capitalism. The offsetting of distribution costs creates a 'pure-pricing' instance in which goods can be priced purely on their production costs.

The savings in distribution costs can be used to create a 'macro' or mutual currency that is used to pay for durable public infrastructure.

The ratio between the hypercoin and the macrocoin can be used to create a stablecoin (intercoin) akin to tether which follows MMT rules.
The intercoin is used to pay for public services such as healthcare.
Socialism is arrayed around the ideology that mutual currency should only be used to pay for infrastructure.

The hypercoin is the foundation of the mutual currency.
by zanderfin March 14, 2020
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