22 definitions by xHilarious iFunny

Instead of fapping like a normal person, one does it by bending over and sucking their own penis.
Zach: I want to give myself a blowjob!
Steven: Thats called masturbating Zach style.
by xHilarious iFunny January 12, 2015
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A retarded faggot who is obsessed with saying "I like pie", yo momma jokes, and potatoes. They also insist that potato is spelled potatoe, which just proves how stupid they really are.
Tom: I raped that bitch in COD!
Zach: I raped yo momma in pokemon!
Random kid: OHHHHHHHH BURN!!!
Tom: Dude, you're acting like a ten year old.
Random kid: OHHHH HE OWNED YOU!!
Zach: Well, you're acting like a potatoe! Which IS spelled with an e on the end! BTW I like pie.
Tom: No it isn't, you uneducated fag. Why do I even talk to you?
Zach: Because I'm incredibly swag!
Tom: (Walks away)
Random kid: You'd better run!
Tom: (Beats the shit out of Zach and random kid)
by xHilarious iFunny January 11, 2015
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A faggot who attends Florida State University. He is a rapist and a thief who deserves to rot in prison but won't because of the corrupt Tallahassee Police Department. Most people want to throw a Cheerwine Bomb at him.
Jameis Winston will not be arrested because Florida State University defends all of their criminal football players.
by xHilarious iFunny November 12, 2014
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First, you pour gasoline into your penis. Then, you travel to the Grand Canyon. After arriving, you run to the beginning of the canyon, with the gasoline still in your penis, and light your penis on fire. You then proceed to balance on a tightrope, naked, while peeing out the fire, also known as the Ecuadorian Flamethrower and wrestling a bear, whilst eating bee's. You win if you make it across the canyon, without dying. Oh, and you need a vagabond to be at the end of the tightrope, to give to the bear.
Tom: "I just did the American Megathon! I could really go for a Cheerwine right now."
Steven: "Be sure to make it a Cheerwine bomb when you're done."
by xHilarious iFunny November 12, 2014
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The most stylish footwear in the history of the world, even more than crocs.
Student 1: "Did you see Nick wearing socks with sandals?"
Student 2: "Yeah he's got swag."
by xHilarious iFunny November 13, 2014
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When you chug down a can of cheerwine and then cum into it and throw it out of a skyscraper window onto the street below. Also called Charlotte Cheerwine Bomb, North Carolina Bomb and other names for different sodas, like Dr. Pepper Bomb and Coca-Cola Bomb
I threw a Cheerwine Bomb on some poor soul yesterday.
by xHilarious iFunny November 9, 2014
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