23 definitions by xAvier

Can be used to say hello, good bye, what's up?, etc.
"Pretty nice weather we're having today."
"Momma likes funyuns!"
by xAvier February 6, 2005
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A juice usually found in a bottle. I don't really like it, but a lot of people do cuz its all natural.

by xAvier February 6, 2005
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When you have to open to close. In other words a 12 hours shift, or however long the place is open.
by xAvier February 6, 2005
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A style of peg-legged baggy pants, with a huge billowing crotch that went down below the knees. They were made out of this strange kind of shiny metallic parachute material.
"Can you believe people actually wore hammer pants in the 90s? What the hell was Gen X thinking?"
by xAvier January 30, 2004
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The place with annoying kids that pee on your ride, parents that bitch and moan when they're kid is too tall, or where you feel like you're gonna pass out if you have to watch one more lady bug go around in circles...
In other words Loony Toons National Park...
"Ack! I got sent to LTNP!"
by xAvier February 6, 2005
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Pleasure Island. The place where every night is New Year's Eve (how corny is that!). Owned by Disney but so not kid-friendly cuz you can get drunk, party, and have the night of your life.

If you've never been, check out Comedy Warehouse, Motion, and 8TRAX. They even have a gay club called Manequins. o_O

Just look for the tons of spotlights glaring in the sky, and a big neon sign of Jessica Rabbit.
"Some friend and I are goin to P.I. tonight, wanna come?"
by xAvier February 6, 2005
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