18 definitions by wouldn't you like to know

Any person who is stupid or commiting a stupid act to be cool but fails miserably without knowing they have made a jackass of themself.see also dipwad, jackass.
Jimmy tried in vain to be like his idol Johnny Knoxville, but ended up making a dipnut of himself.
by wouldn't you like to know April 5, 2004
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(adj) stylish, desirable, fun

In Australia it is generally only used by the less firm-wristed members of the gay community. Because this word sounds like it is Japanese, it is often used to describe articles of Japanese pop-culture.
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F.A.D. also said F-a-d is an abbreviation for fuckingassDeutch
Dude you're such a FAD
by wouldn't you like to know April 24, 2005
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You WISH you were her or that she wanted you. She is Not Your Bitch
1. Sasrobin is jealous because he can't have notyourbitch.

2. I am notyourbitch.
by wouldn't you like to know November 6, 2004
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Ali Gordon is the head of the party partol at armstrong highschool.
by wouldn't you like to know October 11, 2003
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1. slang form of 'okay please'. used to make fun of ppl who type lyke dis.
by wouldn't you like to know August 2, 2003
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