20 definitions by who cares?

Stamina is the ability to last for a decent amount of time when doing an activity - usually a long or particularily straining activity such as a marathon, without becoming too exhasted or tired.
I lasted the whole football match - I have good stamina!

My stamina is excellent - I won a marathon
by who cares? January 27, 2006
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An amazing sport, often stereotyped as a man's game, but girls rugby is growing, and we kickass at it! Requires stamina and willpower.
Rugby is made for all genders - our team is living proof of that.
by who cares? October 9, 2005
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We pwned them.
by who cares? August 15, 2003
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get jiggy with, a.k.a. to start doing naughty things with, get all over each other, not to mention in each other!
Damn girl look at Shenaynay gettin' freaky wid that fine man!!
by who cares? March 30, 2003
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A dragon, the descendant of the "S is for sucks" dragon drawn seconds earlier. Trogdor burninates the countryside and thatch roofed cottages, he is mighty and majestic, and he is cool. He was father to two children DRAGON and StrongSad's "improvement" Improvent is now burninated by Trogdor.
Trogdor LaBurninator, en francais!
by who cares? January 13, 2004
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The act of shitty music. Rubbish music with no real meaning in the words - normall aimed at 9-12 year old girls who read Smash Hits and stuff. See Blazin Squad and Westlife

Normal person: turn that musical terrorism off
by who cares? October 13, 2005
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something so caked up like something a mac daddy would have you have to say DAMN!!
by who cares? March 30, 2003
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