4 definitions by white rabbit

An inaudible mumbler whose speech only becomes coherent with inebriation.
What was that, Prev? I can't understand a word you're saying. Have a drink. Amazing! Now I can understand you perfectly.
by white rabbit May 14, 2003
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When a Hot-Carl is performed by or on someone that can bling it in a curiously beast fashion.

see also:
icy hot stuntaz
bling bling
The server room needs some steamy Icy Hot Karl action.

We were hacked by an Icy Hot Karl.
by white rabbit February 23, 2005
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When a Hot Carl is perfomed by or on someone that can bling it in a curiously beast fashion.

see also:
icy hot stuntaz
hot carl
bling bling
The server room needs some Icy Hot Carl action.

We were hacked by an Icy Hot Carl.
by white rabbit February 23, 2005
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Shania is a person who is beautiful, wonderful and an amazing person. Always by your side and never let's go. Might be slightly annoying at times but an amazing person overall. Slightly stubborn at times too, if she's made up her mind you need to be someone special to change it. She LOVES dogs and squirrels.
Wow who is that beautiful girl walking down the street?
Omg that's a Shania
by white rabbit May 17, 2019
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