16 definitions by undisclosed desires

The centre of the know universe and the unknown universe for that matter.

Capital of Norn Iron (Northern Ireland)

Visit Belfast and you won't want to leave.

Leave and you will want to come back.

Best bits: Ulster fry. It will stick to yer puddins like lead and keep ya goin all af tha day like.
Belfast, Belfast, wonderful town
It doesn't matter if your skin is brown
Belfast, Belfast, I love you
If you're outta work you can get the brew
by undisclosed desires February 26, 2010
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Large city on the west coast of Ireland. Set in one of the most beautiful parts of Ireland.

Populated by bogmen and farmers. Mostly filled with drunken scallys at the weekend. This group taken up about 25% of the total population. The other 75% consist of vodka swilly Polish layabouts.

Go into any cafe and you are more likely to be greeted with some sort of eastern European language rather than the local Galway drawl.

At various times of the year fesitvals are held in the area. This only serves to attract more vodka and Guinness swilling crackheads and the even more dangourous and annoying "The Dublin Fourset"

This group live in the Dublin 4 postcode area and think they own the whole country. Easy to spot because they speak with a false English accent and usually have 100 kids all dressed in riding gear even though they wouldn't know what a horse looked like if it came up to them and said, Hi there, I'm a horse

Don't even try to drive in Galway, it's worse than driving in Naples.

Almost as expensive Dublin. When the locals speak of "Ripe off Ireland" it's not with ironey or sarcasm, it's with a sense of pride.....
Ga Ga Ga Galway!!!
by undisclosed desires February 28, 2010
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After 6 days of hard work, God had a few minutes to spare. He looked at all the left over crap from his labours and thought, what the fuck am i gonna do wer all this shit thats left over. He gathered it all up and chucked it to the side. Some years later cavemen arrived on the east coast of Ireland in boats made out of tree trunks and found Gods unwanted crap and called it Dublin. Since those days all the human crap produced in Ireland has somehow made its way to Dublin. Today we know this crap as, Dubliners.

How to spot a Dubliner. Copy and paste the following: 33, show it to some one in Dublin and ask them to read it out loud. If they say turty tree then they are indeed the crap God rejected.

Dubliners are usually lazy and ugly. Avoid the "Liberties" at all costs because its full of low life scallies...No on reflection avoid all of Dublin but if you cannot avoid the place you better have all the cash reserves of Fort Knocks in your pocked and be prepared to pay a million times more for stuff than anywhere else in the world.

If you do visit Dublin then remember, the only good Dubliner is a dead Dubliner.
Dublin, fuck off, i aint stupid enough to go there and if i was i would rather be hanged, drawn and quartered for my stupidity.
by undisclosed desires February 26, 2010
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Belfast name for the common stickleback found in lakes, rivers, ponds and dams.
Hey Jimmy, I gat a wee jam jar and a wee fishing net, wanna go down the wats and catch some spricks.

Naa, thanks all the same Paddy but me da's takin us up tha Ballymena ta see thon sheep shaggin contest

Fuck Jimmy ur a lucky bastard, me da never takes us anywhere good.
by undisclosed desires February 26, 2010
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A 3 mile long road in Belfast, Northern Ireland stuffed to the brim with dole scroungers, smelly unwashed bastards, terrorist cunts, millies and spides, kids who don't know who the fuck their da is, females who walk the streets in their pj's and slippers at all times of the day.

No major boys schools on the road because they don't need education as they only aspire to signing on the dole, stealing, drinking and mugging people weaker than themselves.

Wear a tie on the Falls Road and the spides are sure to kick your head in coz you look like a fucken queer boy.
My brother is going out with a millie from the Falls Road, the eejit can't string two words together and thinks the PIL is a band formed by Johnny Rotten after the Sex Pistols split. He needs his head luckin at going out wer thon one.
by undisclosed desires February 26, 2010
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Small Baltic country formally part of the USSR.

Flat and un-interesting place. Not so many Lithuanians there as they have left in vast numbers to better themselves in countries more developed than their own.

During WWII Lithuanians actively helped the Germans rid their country of Jews. For this reason you will not find many Jews there today. This is an event in their past they would like to keep secret but sadly it is a fact.

Lithuanians have little of interest to say. The national sport is basketball but this is rapidly being taken over by leaving Lithuania as the national passtime.
by undisclosed desires March 21, 2010
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Square, flat bun with two pastry layers and sweet mince in the middle and sugar on top.

Found all over Northern Ireland and loved by old and young alike.
Givvas two flies graveyards doll.
by undisclosed desires February 26, 2010
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