264 definitions by tony

A sexual move that first involves a running start guiding ones penis into the anus of ones significant other. Thrust repeatedly into your partner until you are on the brink of ejaculation and then slip your penis into your partners mouth and before you cum, punch her in the nose, aka strawberry milkshake.
"Dude, I dont think that my girl appreciated that before the night was over i gave her the fatality"
by tony February 23, 2005
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plowing the snot out of some chick just cause she looked like she could have used a good stiff cock in her ass.
Hey look at that fugly chick at the end of the bar.
yeah but she has some big ole titties!
well shell be a charity fuck later on tonight.
by tony January 25, 2004
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a man, legend or miggity mack who is both.
yo youse one OG MCED dawg!
by tony August 21, 2003
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"Hey pyri, your an assdad"
by tony September 30, 2004
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to be intoxicated. to be drunk to the point of memory loss and the possibily of pissing the bed becomes high.
If we drink all these 40's we're gonna be hosed.
by tony April 4, 2005
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Slang for a broken down car likely sitting on blocks in the front yard with the windows smashed out; very common on Indian Reservations.
It may be a crappy car, but at least it's not a res runner.
by tony August 15, 2005
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A very dangerous place where you often risk your life.
I went to slatna last night, man those niggas almost killed me.
by tony June 7, 2004
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