88 definitions by todd

the american version of the loch ness monster that lives in lake champlain
oh on mo its ogopogo
by todd January 16, 2004
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To shower, shave, and shit, especially before and evening out. (S to the 3rd power, cubed S, cubess)
I'll pick you up after I cubess.
by todd March 10, 2003
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to be messed up, confused, to be in the wrong order.
"I have to restart my computer, it's gone shizwack."

"Don't listen to what he says, he's shizwack"
by todd March 24, 2004
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Comes from stoned frat guys who cannot pronounce a word cause they are too drunk
Chris, whats happaning?

Todd: "Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
by todd October 25, 2004
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In the Bahamas this is the derogatory term for a honky or white guy.
by todd October 28, 2003
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Uncontrollable gaseous emissions from the anus caused by the ingestion of a food that doesn't agree with one's digestive process.
Dude, what the hell did you eat? You're cheesin' man.
by todd December 10, 2003
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the lamest most expensive partys for RIT, fuck jim that sucked, 3-20-03
by todd March 29, 2003
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