17 definitions by thee radical eclectic

1. Literally 'white leavings' in most spanish/latin dialects.

2. Culturally signifigant latin term for people who dont fit the upwardly mobile anglican cultures even though they are desended from such. slang for 'white trash' or 'white people' with mixed social values who have renounced snobbery and enjoy exploring diversity and third world cultures expresse through lifestyle and philosphy.

3. Down home white folks who were left behind in in the Anglo power struggle to survive poverty and get along the best they can in the common world.

4. Anyone who is not likely harmful but certainly low class white trash with questionable ethics in their personal dealings. Often used to describe a 'brother of no color' livin as a local in the barrio.
He's alright man, he's just another blanco basura from da'hood.

Yo, esse that hombre is mucho blanco basura...

Check it out, blanco basura is slummin today!

If I didnt know any better holmes, I would say youre gettin more blanco basura every day.
by thee radical eclectic August 16, 2006
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a particular spelling of the word weird which places the emphasis of 'I' as opposed to the 'We' first in perceiving things of this world as somehow abnormal or otherwise undescribable.
It's so wierd that I dont get it... I dont see why they like doin that. We never did that in my neighborhood.

by thee radical eclectic August 17, 2006
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v. A way of handling a situation you dont like or cant get out of as a means of taking personal dignity and revenge. This term may have originated at race tracks where grooms hot walk race horses and relations still delineate power in a trickle down theory on a racial and sexual basis; given human nature its likely that the method existed long before the term came into being.

You better quit that slow-walkin and get yer ass over here.

My boss is tryin to kill me with this shit so Im gonna slow-walk his shit all day long and cool my heels with some down time.

I'ma slow walk you round the bend on this one cause I really dont think you ready for what I gotta say.
by thee radical eclectic August 17, 2006
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a female who is second or third generation counter culture to the degree of rejecting the majority of societies norms

pronounced rootsradeeka
Dat rootsradica dun sussed da whola dem crowd and stepped on...
by thee radical eclectic June 7, 2007
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1. When something is all off balance or disheveled to the degree that you can see how its supposed to be and yet its clear that some rough-housing or real messin/cuttin up has made it nearly unworthy of bothering with to get it back that way due to the humor of the present state.

2. When someones point of view is really askew or makes no sense, thus their timing or sense of appropriateness lacks.
His hair was all catawumpus after we took him to the floor.

The music was so catawumpus that nobody could dance to it.
by thee radical eclectic August 29, 2006
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A southerner phrase for an action of seriously putting the hurt on or damaging some quantity of substance such as wastin no time eating food or completing a project.
He was puttin the harm on that burger somethin' fierce.
by thee radical eclectic August 29, 2006
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ADJ. the hyper-elated condition of ones mind when unnatural sugar substitutes have been consumed over a period of years and caused binding of iron agents in the lower lumbar region of the spine. The condition is associated with excessive dieters such as fashion models, clothing designers and cross-dressers who need such mechanisms to maintain a particularly slender and upbeat lifestyle.

Splenda + ferous
Darling... the event was simply a splendiferous success.

That ensemble is purely splendiferous on you.
by thee radical eclectic September 6, 2006
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