1 definition by the real BAM

Chris is the sweetest thing to walk the earth. Hes gorgeous, he melts your heart with everything he says and no matter what, you cant be mad at him. He makes everything better and is someone you can always turn to and is easy to talk to. You can always trust a Chris with anything. Chris's are really good at basket ball and love to skateboard on their free time. They like to be around people and your very lucky if you have one in your life. Chris's are tall, have dark hair, brown eyes, and joke around alot. They are adorable and will mean the world to you. Once you meet one, they'll never be off your mind. Their texts will make you smile for hours, and they are all around perfect. There's really no words to describe a Chris other than someone very special in your life.
That boy is perfect.

No, that boy is Chris: <3
by the real BAM November 24, 2012
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