66 definitions by the comand'r

Paige: This is a great Zeppelin cover band, but this place is packed.

Jillian: I can get us some space with a crowd clearer. I let one go upstairs, and made room. I got another one chambered, so just give me the word.

Barney: I think we are better off with the crowd. I’ll pass, pun intended.
by the comand'r August 28, 2022
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Slang for “shit man ya” when your are too drunk to complete the full 3 syllables distinctly, just blend them in to one word
Tamara: Bri is on her 8th shot of tequila. She is having her own tequila session

Adam: Hey Bri, you wanna climb in to that shopping cart and got for a ride?

Bri: Schmanna!
by the comand'r June 29, 2022
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The year 2020 is overwith. What people living through the COVID-19 pandemic cannot wait to be able to say starting on January 1, 2021.
Jackie: Boy, that was a rough year. I am so glad we are in to 2021 and that whole COVID-19 mess is behind us. Donny was getting wound up about how COVIDgilent I was being.

Jill: Yup, 2020 is hindsight. On the upside, you guys did deliver a beautiful COVID boomer in December.
by the comand'r April 6, 2020
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A projectile that unintentionally flies out of your mouth when you cough. Typically, a piece of food which flies out and usually at an inopportune moment. Also known as a coughmet.
Last week, I was at a conference and Tony was introducing me to a potential investor. He was some Swedish guy and was snacking on some hor d'oeuvres. I was shaking his hand and I think something got caught in his throat because he coughed and something flew out of his mouth right at me. My catlike reflexes allowed me to dodge his cough comet as to avoid having a splotch of chutney land on my forehead.
by the comand'r November 15, 2013
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A man who provides cocaine or other favors in exchange for sexual relations, i.e. a sugar daddy that used blow instead of money.
Tanya really scored with her latest boyfriend. We all know how much she likes the white powder and this guy is a real booger sugar daddy.
by the comand'r October 19, 2013
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The walk, or waddle, one does as a huge shit is approaching which has come on without a solid release plan causing them to clinch they butt cheeks and seek the closest toilet for evacuation.
Luke sure had a rough day at school today. Poor kid was locked out of the bathroom in the gym, so everyone was cracking up as he was walking like a penguin back to class to use the crapper there. I think I heard a shart fart as he crossed the playground.
by the comand'r October 11, 2016
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A smaller version of the dutch oven. When you fart in to your cupped hand and deliver the prize to an unsuspecting victim, aka dutch oven mitt.
Brendan like to ease in to relationships. That boy has some wicked gas, so to acclimate girls in to a long-term relationship, he will give a girl a dutch gloven within the first three dates. If she survives that, the next step is to turn up the heat and introduce her to his full-on dutch oven.
by the comand'r December 9, 2013
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