39 definitions by the birds and trees

A name for Michelle Malkin, a collumnist whose oppinions tend to veer towards the extreme right wing of the Republican party, exemplified by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.
Did you hear Darth Malkin today? Can you believe she just can't stand it that children born in America to forreign parents are granted citizenship? And both of her parents were forreign! What a hypocrite!
by the birds and trees July 12, 2006
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Living together with several different sex/romantic partners. To have multiple girlfriends or wives, all of whom know about each other and live in the same house. Polygamy.

Originated thousands of years ago as a means of producing a large number of offspring, and as a status symbol, to show off how many women and children a man could afford to provide for, and to display virility. Now banned in most countries, but was once common practice, even in early Christendom: Charlamagne had multiple wives.

The word was recently popularized by one Ricky Lackey, a convicted thief who, when asked by the judge at his trial how many children he had, replied: "None now, but I have six on the way." When the judge asked if he was marrying a woman who had six children, he replied "No, I be concubining." Meaning, of course, that he had 6 girlfriends, all of whom were pregnant.
Judge: "Do you have any children?"
Lackey: "No, but I have six on the way."
Judge: "So, you're marrying a woman with six children?"
Lackey: "No, I be concubining."
by the birds and trees October 6, 2007
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Living together with several different sex/romantic partners. To have multiple girlfriends or wives, all of whom know about each other and live in the same house. Polygamy.

Originated thousands of years ago as a means of producing a large number of offspring, and as a status symbol, to show off how many women and children a man could afford to provide for, and to display virility. Now banned in most countries, but was once common practice, even in early Christendom: Charlamagne had multiple wives.

The word was recently popularized by one Ricky Lackey, a convicted thief who, when asked by the judge at his trial how many children he had, replied: "None now, but I have six on the way." When the judge asked if he was marrying a woman who had six children, he replied "No, I be concubining." Meaning, of course, that he had 6 girlfriends, all of whom were pregnant.
Judge: "Do you have any children?"
Lackey: "No, but I have six on the way."
Judge: "So, you're marrying a woman with six children?"
Lackey: "No, I be concubining."
by the birds and trees October 6, 2007
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A general insult. A word for a generally disagreeable person.
How dare she call me a snot blaster! Why, I'll blast so much snot...
by the birds and trees July 24, 2006
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Two great things: tits and gravy, now together at long last.

Also, British slang for "allright," peachy keen, cool, hunky dory, copasetic, mellow, A-OK, all clear on the Western front, etc.
Last night, my girlfriend poured some gravy on her boobs and told me to lick it off. Everything's tits and gravy over here.
by the birds and trees October 5, 2007
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To physically assault someone. To attack physically, barehanded or with a dangerous weapon.
Ron gripped the handle of his cane sword, saying "both of y'all better leave this place," as he slowly unsheathed the blade "or I just may have to catch a case!"
by the birds and trees June 1, 2007
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An expression used to call someone on an obvious lie, prevarication or falsehood. A way of calling bullshit. Since it is now known Elvis did mountains of drugs, stating that he had always been clean would be obvious bullshit. Origin: Penn and Teller's show Bullshit, where the phrase is used to call bullshit on the various claims of creationists.
Mike: "Elton John invented rap music."
Bob: "Um, right, Elvis didn't do no drugs!"
by the birds and trees May 17, 2008
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