39 definitions by the birds and trees

The greatest energy drink in the world. It comes from Korea, and contains a terrifying cocktail of space-age energy chemicals to keep you alert and focussed through practically anything.
I got some Bacchus F the other day, god that stuff is good.
by the birds and trees November 18, 2007
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People who feel that they must reproduce, that their purpose as humans would somehow be negated if they did not contribute to the overpopulation which will eventually kill us all.
Breeders do just that. They mate and churn out kid after kid.
by the birds and trees October 9, 2007
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Irrational fear or hatred of Muslims. Usually found immediately after any terrorist event, resulting in persecution and intimidation of law-abiding Muslim Americans, or anyone who could be mistaken for a Muslim or Arab. Contrary to ultra-right-wing rhetoric, Islamophobia is not disagreeing with the religion of Islam or Sharia law. Islamophobia is fear of Muslims.
Examples of Islamophobia:

1. Reporting your Muslim neighbor to the Department of Homeland Security because you thought the lawnmower he was repairing in his garage was a bomb.
2. Shooting a Sikh store clerk because he was wearing a turban, and you thought that only Muslims wear turbans.
3. Attacking a Muslim woman on the street because you thought she was a terrorist.
4. Detaining law-abiding Muslims and sending them to Guantanamo for extremely shady reasons.
by the birds and trees April 6, 2007
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Weed that's so strong that, after one hit, you're like "what's goin' on?"
Damn, this shit is some Marvin Gaye weed. Have you ever seen a snow-covered mountain during the sunset on a crystal-clear winter's day, all golden and fiery in the last dying rays of the sun, and noticed how even the shadows glowed with all of the purple and indigo notes of the evening sky?
by the birds and trees October 1, 2008
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A powerful strain of cannabis. After one hit, users are inclined to say "What's goin' on?"
This is called Trainwreck, and it is classified as Marvin Gaye weed.
by the birds and trees August 26, 2008
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The amount of semen expelled during one male ejaculation.
So I was having sex with Cassie the other day, she said she wouldn't mind if I blew my load on her face, so I did, and goddamn, I think it was the biggest load I ever dropped! She looked so beautiful with all that hot goo all over her pretty face! I can't wait to do it again!
by the birds and trees February 18, 2007
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1. A nickname for any male aquaintance, friend or stranger, usually in a somewhat favorable light.
2. An expression of awe.
3. A city person, usually wealthy, attempting to pass as a cowboy, adventurer or otherwise rugged type. Usually dressed in new, expensive outdoor wear, without a single scratch or trace of dirt to indicate prior use.

From the Irish Gaelic word "duud," meaning an oddly dressed person or clown.
1. Dude, can you move over a bit?
2. Duuuuude!!!
3. The New York dude is here again in his shiny chaps and ridiculous Brooks Bros. stetson.
by the birds and trees September 17, 2006
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