39 definitions by the birds and trees

An insult for one who is ignorant, uncouth, rude and rustic, with insinuations of poor personal hygiene.
From now on, you peasants are dead to me!
by the birds and trees February 22, 2007
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A euphamism for New Age music, a horrible, hideous genre of aimless, unlistenable drech for washed out, middle-aged ex-hippies and the power crystal clutching disciples of con men who use bits and pieces of various Eastern religions, interspersed with liberal helpings of pure bullshit in order to sell their overpriced, horribly written books (also filled with bullshit) and ugly quartz crystal trinkets. Rhymes with "sewage."
Hey, holmes, get that fucken' newage crap off of my sound system right now! And bury that c.d. once you're through taking it far, far away from anyone with anything resembling taste in music.
by the birds and trees August 26, 2006
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Emasculation. Removal of the male sexual organs. Practiced by ancient and barbaric societies where sex was considered highly evil.

Also used in the courts of ancient China to produce eunuchs, castrated male servants who could be trusted to be in close proximity to the Emperor. To be near the Emperor was to be near his harem, so naturally few men were allowed to be in his presence. Eunuchs were considered safe, since they had neither the will nor the ability to "sample the goods" as it were. As a result, eunuchs could gain special leverage with the Emperor, due to their proximity to him, and be appointed to high government offices. Towards the end of the 19th century, some of the most powerful men in the country were eunuchs.
Castration: I'm a take this meat cleaver to yo' nuts, bitch!
by the birds and trees May 19, 2008
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Informed, up to date, fashionable, contemporary, relevant. Being modern in dress, attitude and interests. From "hepi," meaning "well-informed" from the West African language of Wolof.

The word was probably introduced to America by slaves imported from West Africa, and was still in use in 1930's era black speech. Hip/hep probably entered the mainstream American lexicon by way of the Beatnik subculture, who believed in racial integration, listened to black music and used words borrowed from black speech.
1930s: Are you hip to the jive?
1950s: He's one hep cat.
1990s-2000s: They are terminally hip.
by the birds and trees September 24, 2007
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David Hasselhoff's new hip-hop persona. Yes, you read correctly. He thinks he's a rapper now.
by the birds and trees February 23, 2007
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A highly explosive grade of whoopass. Known to take foes utterly by surprise. So overpowering in its pwnage that it must be screamed every time it is said, preferably while kicking someone into a well, over a cliff or over any kind of precipice.
"Madness? This...IS SPARTA!!"

"Fool, I have come here to bring the SPARTA!! You don't want none of this!"

"SPARTA!!" *any words said after this point are drowned out by the mighty din of an ownage of epic proportions*
by the birds and trees February 29, 2008
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A Germanic tribe from the regions of Saxony, Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstiein, North-Rhine Westphalia and part of the Netherlands. Conquered Brittain at the end of Roman rule. The Saxons in Brittain became known as Anglo-Saxons, and ruled for several centuries before being conquered by the Normans. The words "saxon" and "Anglo-Saxon" are used today as buzzwords by hate groups who consider themselves to be of pure, Anglo-Saxon blood, and therefore superior to all other races, whom they term "mud races" or "mud people." Regardless of the fact that the original Saxons seemed to have no qualms about marrying into the indigenous population, as well as the successive waves of conquerors, and indeed seemed to have no idea of race.
The Legend of King Arthur was about the struggle of the old, Celtic Brittain against the Saxons.
by the birds and trees September 17, 2006
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