12 definitions by tamtam27

A very beautiful girl with a unique personality. She's sweet and sour but mostly sweet. She's usually a black girl but she can be a white girl. Good, nice, and beautiful hair. She's a great artist, loves books, fantastic writer. She's the girl you want. Samara is usually mistaken for that bitch who crawls out of the well in The Ring. But Samara will always be a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
Damn Samara looks hot today
by tamtam27 October 4, 2010
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A smart and pretty black or white girl. She's also very sarcastic, as said in the first definition.
Samara: Today is so hot.
Boy:Yes, you are.
by tamtam27 October 8, 2010
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That's it, I'm not going to give you any stupid hateful definition about how Barack Obama is a "terrible" president. Seriously people, the man is trying SO hard to fix the country and you come on Urbandictionary to slam him. You ungrateful twats!
by tamtam27 November 4, 2010
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Someone who can never fuck women, so they hate them.
Misogynist:WOMEN SUCK!
Me:No, you just can't fuck them, worthless male.
by tamtam27 October 24, 2010
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The dumbass faggots who allow racist, sexist, homophobic, and antisemetic definitions but they don't allow definitions that are actually made out of fun. Number of definitions they have allowed:

Black People
"A loud, ignorant race of people. They're the smelliest people on this planet since they never bother to wash their greasy fried chicken infested hair or any part of their body. Whites will always be superior."

"People who like kool-aid, fried chicken, and watermelon."

Women or Woman
"The useless skin around the vagina."

"The inferior sex."

Man or Men
"Idiots that are the scum of the Earth."

"A male spieces in which porn occupies 90% of his brain."

Now the fun definitions they have allowed that are not racist, sexist, etc.

"We don't get them and we never will. Seriously, how can a woman drive boiling hot wax up her leg to remove hair and still be scared of a spider?"

"I don't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die."

Me: (reading definitions for black people) Wow, Urbandictionary Editors actually allowed this racist crap on the website.
by tamtam27 October 3, 2010
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