45 definitions by sweet jesus

Iroquois is a powerful and influencial group, first nations/native americans. Their hairstyle, the mohican or mohawk is very well known around the world for punk culture.
Iroquois is a powerful race
by sweet jesus May 9, 2006
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''Oi you zooloo skank dont mess with him!''
by sweet jesus September 4, 2006
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(1 Insult to a dark skinned person
Meaning ''black'' in spanish. In latin referred to niger for the same meaning. Calling Negroe to a black person can be considered a racist insult. this word is referred by these words like moor or berber from north africa.
by sweet jesus March 14, 2006
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lack of fat
''if you dont get of his phoneline iam gonna ring your scrawny neck physically!''
by sweet jesus July 25, 2006
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(1.A derogatory term for a Jew.
(2.A derogatory term for a German.


Hymie is derived from the stereotypical Jewish name Hyman (originally Chaim) and the German name Herman. Hyman is commonly shortened to Hymie.

Hymie is not popular these days but other racial slurs such as kike ,kyke ,yid, sheeny are mostly used today to disrespect.

''oi hymie hows ya sister!!''
*gets pistol and shoots ther guy until hes fucked with blood*
by sweet jesus June 27, 2006
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