60 definitions by sux0r

1. (V.) - Pronounced "Why-uh-lean" the act of of Wilding involves any racy activity that exhibits a lack of wisdom or any common sense. It is any foolish mannerisms always lacking seriousness of any and all societal responsibilities. These acts of wilding can either be interpreted with disdain or acceptance depending on the pretentiousness of any observers of said Wilding.

2. (V.) To wild.
Me and the boys had consumed enough klonopin to relax all of our inhibitions and go wilding all around the neighborhood, chucking eggs at store windows and kicking kittens.
by sux0r March 6, 2006
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A dangerous territory or "turf" that one (or a few) is/are currently in possession of. Should a hostile enter the vicinity of the stomping grounds, they will be stomped upon.
"Where I lounge is my stomping grounds."

"The bitch-ass violated my stomping grounds so I curbed him."
by sux0r September 6, 2003
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1) To have been favored by the gods.

2) To destroy the punk-bitches using an iron microphone.

3) See definition 1.
"Unbalanced like elephants and ants on seesaws."
by sux0r September 8, 2003
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When a non-descript group of two or more individuals are riddled with machine gun bullets.
The imitators/impersonators are getting their asses handed to them by Gs.
by sux0r May 1, 2006
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I crushed up some .5 klonnies, then proceeded to bump them.
by sux0r August 12, 2003
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A gun used to zap people with and shit
I'll shoot you with my lazor piece.

Pew! Pew! Pow! Zap! Boing!
by sux0r December 17, 2003
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A South American country with the fastest growing economy, surprisingly devoid of wetbacks and with a reason to *be* arrogant; especially considering most of its hatred is begot by those easily offended by the probability of football/soccer match outcomes (pretty self-explanatory from that point forward.)

Argentina was fucked by the IMF due to first world country foreign investment INTERESTED in an Argentinian workforce due to the Castellanos' ability to elicit the only tangible, global and non-immigrated workload within the South American world. This is because of Argentina's being the only country capable of eliciting a tangible, global and non-immigrated workload within the South American world.

Argentina's emersed economy grew rapidly despite conflict withstood under military rule. As a permanent result, it has, does and will surpass all other South American countries in every aspect of the developing country spectrum whereas both South America and the global net economy is concerned.

While most Paraguyans tote an air of superiority, it is only the Argentinians who can boast their going above and beyond the traditionally thought of South American feudal standard.

Argentina is the only *not* third world South American country, most probably because of its not being infested with ancesterally butchered vengeful cavepeople whose nationality revolves around fútbol.
1) It is very difficult for Argentina not to have inherent pompousness when comparison is drawn between it and any of its neighbors.

2) I just watched the Argentinian Manu Ginobili *not* get a ridiculous amount of foul calls playing for an NBA salary that could probably purchase most Central and South American states.

3) The Gaucho laughed at the chavs boasting a "war" "won" in the Faulkland Islands/Malvinas as The War in Iraq really does look like Mission Accomplished by comparison (this is mainly due to said Gaucho's superior education in pretty much knowing that the chunk of rock Buenos Aires could pee on is inhabited by sheep and goatherders; outmatched a trillion times by the Argentine meat industry alone, and who not only share no allegiance to either England or Argentina, but were a blip on the radar before, during and after any conflict in that region emerged.)

4) Argentina is the only Latin American country that can happily accept its past, present and future.
by sux0r May 28, 2007
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