24 definitions by spinningtabletop

A pathetic attempt by people with no language skills to say something using only the words they know. Used by morons who don't know any words other than f*** and s***. There are many synonyms which are much more creative, interesting and precise in meaning:

shitfuck (noun)= retard, idiot, jerk, imbecile, punk, moron, cro-magnon, etc...
Reporter interviewing random person on the street: "So, what do you think about the economy these days?"

"Fuck this shit, shitfuck!"

Reporter: "Can you tell me where someone smarter is?"
by spinningtabletop February 16, 2009
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What cyclists say by convention as they pass each other on the road, or occasionally as they ride near pedestrians. It is infinitely more cool than mounting a dorky little horn or bell on your handlebars and squeezing it at every opportunity. It may not be always be strictly necessary, but it is a little courtesy that will get you cred and make you look experienced.
<College student races to class and overtakes a pack of spandex cyclists, but remains silent.>

"On your left! On your leeeeeft!" You gotta let us know! Where are your manners?"

<sound of metal crunching and muffled screams. this guy will not have to say this for a while.>
by spinningtabletop January 31, 2009
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Fat, rotund, obese, etc. Derives from a combination of corpulent and porcine. Applies to people, pets, Rush Limbaugh, etc.
"Wow, that guinea pig is porculent. Quit feeding it so many pellets."
by spinningtabletop February 8, 2009
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n. Slang among bicyclists for both wheels, often along with their tires and inner tubes.
I'm going 10 mph faster after finally getting a real road wheelset. The slick tires and lightweight wheels make a world of difference.
by spinningtabletop January 22, 2009
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What people who either can't write or are too lazy do whenever a paper is due. Any usage of someone else's writing as one's own is plagiarism, no matter how cleverly disguised (or not) it is.

Perhaps the most common way is to search for or download existing papers, cut and paste, change the wording superficially and scramble it a little, and turn it in as your own. Other common methods are to simply copy other students' work in one's class, changing it superficially, or to download or even buy papers online.

Any way you do it, it's a reprehensible practice that can, and should get you in big trouble. There are known cases where students have been held back a year, or even expelled. Unfortunately, plagiarism still seems to be a growing problem, and students usually get away with it.

(note: this entry written by a student)
Student: Why am I getting an A- for this paper?
Teacher: Because it matches three other students' as well as wikipedia.
Student: No way! I didn't do it!
Student: And you didn't prohibit it in the syllabus!
Teacher: sighs I ought to make you rewrite it, but-
Student: I'll sue you!

by spinningtabletop May 23, 2008
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A commonplace word that occasions exclamations of "Ooh, SAT word!" when employed in normal discourse. Incidentally, those who use this moniker happen to not read enough books, not even pulp not conducive to formal education.

words, not 'SAT words.'
by spinningtabletop March 24, 2009
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adj. Highly sentimental and romantic; overly sappy.
Music teacher: Your playing is technically good, but it lacks eMOtion. Glush it up!

Student: Isn't Rachmaninoff glushy enough already?
by spinningtabletop January 31, 2009
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