9 definitions by some guy who uses the Internet

A way of saying October. Despite seeming unnecessary, the term Spooky Month is used much more often than just October.
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An Among Us player who always plays on the Skeld map no matter what. They are often noobs or people who leave when they aren't imposters. You will usually find them in games with only one imposter and a maximum of ten players instead of the new 15-player servers.
People who play on the Skeld are fine, but if they're a Smoothbrained Skelder then it's annoying.
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A funni stickfigure who loves pranking people and making life hacks involving magnets and time machines.
Troll face is veri cool but Trollege is just edgy and crig
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Early meaning: A person who enjoys playing virtual/video games often.
New meaning: Some guy who spent 999999999+ hours per day on fortnite.
The word 'gamer' is nearly always used ironically.
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What you're gonna be if you f##k up your save in Deltarune.
haha get dogchecked lol 😂
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