17 definitions by sociopath9

1. Something which spreads from one person or group to another with comparative ease.

2. An indication of time.
1. The H1N1 influenza virus is extremely contagious.

2. I saw a man trying to paint a house with a 4 inch brush. I will take the contagious.
by sociopath9 January 22, 2010
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A group of enfranchised individuals who delude themselves into thinking that their vote actually counts for something, every time an election occurs.
George W treated the body politic like Nero treated the masses of Rome - by providing Bread and Circuses - in order to disguise the real issues (or an actual lack of them).
by sociopath9 January 22, 2010
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1) An email received, proving to you that yes, things COULD be worse.

2) An email you sent which derides all and sundry and which, one microsecond after you hit the send key, fills you with an instant feeling of dread and remorse

3) A customer complaint of any description
I complained to the boss about losing the coffee break, so he sent me a shit-o-gram.

I sent a shit-o-gram to my ex wife, but accidently sent it to everyone on my work mailing list instead.
by sociopath9 May 2, 2009
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