11 definitions by screambloodygore

An old, fat woman who's notorious for speaking her mind and giving people advice when it's least solicited; the kind who's usually president of the community association, makes a lot of public complaints, and starts a lot of awareness and protest movements, because she has nothing better to do, often because she doesn't have a job and is nothing but a housewife with no post-secondary education or ambitions. Think about your neighbourhood busy-body; chances are that she's all but 1 or 2 of these things. (see: Kyle's mom)

A lot of times, she can also be a janitor at a school or department store.
Person 1: Look, here comes Humperdink.
Person 2: I hate that cunt.
Person 3: Me too.
Person 1: Let's look this way and just keep on talking.
Person 2, 3: Good idea.
by screambloodygore October 4, 2005
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1. Located at 49.55N latitude and 109.29W longitude in a meteor crater from the crustaceous era or earlier, estimated at 75 million years old, which is only slightly higher than the median age of the town, and probably slightly lower than the median age of the people who drive through town and usually converge at an intersection with Jasper St. and get caught in a face-off, because no one knows who's going first.

2. A growing community estimated at 2700 people with more to do than Fox Valley, Piapot, and other immediately surrounding areas. Questionable public accomodations, but adequate shopping, even for some furniture and small appliances. Lots of hard-working, helpful people, and if you're 16 and have wood, there's lots of places to put it. Just shop around a bit first, and double up on condoms just to be safe.
Person 1: *wipes sweat* I'm so glad we're not in Fox Valley anymore.
Person 2: Let's stop in Maple Creek, they have the best pussy between Swift Current and Medicine Hat.
Person 1: Okay but we're ditching first thing in the morning and going to Calgary.
Person 2: Absolutely.
by screambloodygore September 24, 2005
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The actress who played the character Sarah Sidle on CSI, and double-handedly made the show kick ass with the help of William Petersen, who played the character Gil Grissom. Also very fuckable.
Person 1: Without Jorja Fox, we would've had to watch Catherine, more of that tit Greg, and that cunt Nick.
Person 2: Well, then we'd just watch CSI Miami.
Person 1: I'd rather scarf down a wet bucket full of meekrob.
Person 2: I agree.
by screambloodygore September 24, 2005
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Something you should definitely add to your repertoire of quirky sayings, but as long as you use it in the same snippy context as Eric Cartman of the show South Park. Also the only acceptable phrase containing the word "hella".
Person 1: Why are you wearing sunglasses inside?
Person 2: 'Cause I'm hella cool, that's why.
by screambloodygore September 24, 2005
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